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RedSquare Group Picture from the show

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Hey guys, Just don't let him start talking about how Great The Michigan Wolverines are! You'll never hear the end of that story. I guess I really can't argue a whole lot about Duke. He is pretty much Top Notch but don't tell him I said that. Looks like he's been on a diet. Hope to see him in Charlotte, Michigan next month. It looks like everyone had a great time. I appreciate all the photos and all the great posts. The group I run with back here were there for the 9th and 10th shows and just like yourselfs had a great time also. Maybe the next time we might make it over there. Keep the photos and posts coming. More stories about Duke are always cool. That way I have some stories I can ask him about in Charlotte.

See Ya, Bye Burly :thumbs:


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We still are missing a couple of names. So if anyone knows and can fill in the blanks, let me know.



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16 is Alex (acousta) sp?


Sorry for the late response. 16 is me (Alex Sousa - acsousa82) and 17 my father (Cas Sousa - formariz) . Certainly appreciate the work in getting the group photo together :thumbs:

:D GREAT TIME AT THE 2010 WH SHOW!!!! Counting down to 2011 :D

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Sorry for the late response. 16 is me (Alex Sousa - acsousa82) and 17 my father (Cas Sousa - formariz) . Certainly appreciate the work in getting the group photo together :thumbs:

:D GREAT TIME AT THE 2010 WH SHOW!!!! Counting down to 2011 :D


Thanks for the updated information. I will edit the info as soon as I can get my editing access back.


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Since I am unable to edit the lead post on this thread any longer, I will bump it a couple more times. All of the additional info that I get will be added to a new post later.

Hope to get all the names soon.

Thanks again.


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Thanks Bob for the fine Job on this group Photo. :D The one we did in 2009, there were alot of people that wanted in the picture and I was able to edit alot of them in but the file got so large it crashed the program I was useing :thumbs: Im glad we stuck with who was there gets in and who wasnt will just have to be ontime next year. :thanks: Thanks for your hard work! :D Just a thought... Next year while people are standing there have a tablet and pass it down the rows have them write their name and forum name. I guess hind sight is always 20/20 :wh:

Cheers ~Duke

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Good idea on the passing of the tablet. Next year we need to be a little more organized as far as a time for the picture. I know that some of Friday's attendees were unable to be there on Saturday. I think that a picture should be taken both days. Nothing wrong with posting both. I may try to get my son to come up and take the pictures if he's not shooting a wedding at the time.


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Good idea on the passing of the tablet. Next year we need to be a little more organized as far as a time for the picture. I know that some of Friday's attendees were unable to be there on Saturday. I think that a picture should be taken both days. Nothing wrong with posting both. I may try to get my son to come up and take the pictures if he's not shooting a wedding at the time.


Thats a great idea Bob! and I think Butch posted that we would do two photos but man how time flys by in just a blink of an eYe! :thumbs: We are getting better tho maybe 20 more shows and we will get it down pat! :D

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