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10/10 for sinking style Jim :banghead::omg: :USA:

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your really cruising along on this project. looks great.. :banghead:

:USA: .... :omg: ..... :thumbs:

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Your work just gets better and better Jim :banghead::USA:

Are you going to add and drive protection? It looks like you will sitting quite high, tree branch high..

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I want a cab Ian :banghead: I think I'm going soft, want heaters and all that wussie stuff. Not bad enough to want sissy A/C though..... :USA:

At the very least, a roll over bar. I cant add it until its out the shed though, it'll be too tall to fit in the shed with a roll bar.

Got some hoses the other day. Mostly just the low pressure lines. The big hose in the pic is about 2" OD, quite a big bugger. Thats the biggest (and most expensive) hose of the lot. The others are about 1.5" OD in the pic, smallest on the tractor will be 1/2" OD, thats one of the signal lines to the pressure guage.


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I want a cab Ian :banghead: I think I'm going soft, want heaters and all that wussie stuff. Not bad enough to want sissy A/C though..... :omg:

I don't blame you Jim, what with autumn just around the corner and winter on it's way :USA:

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I tore the tractor down and painted all the chassis. Just working my way through assembling it all now, and then hosing it all.

I added some sheet metal onto it, a bit on the side of the dash, and also the tunnel through which the hoses run.

Got a problem with the C125 that needs my attention first though. Saturday night I was driving it, something in the gearbox has locked up. When you let the clutch out the engine stalls. I guess the gearbox input shaft must be jammed somehow. It still selects gears and neutral, so its not a shifter linkage problem. However, because it was raining and late at night I left the tractor where it died. Due to the rain its sunk up to the chassis. Going to have to get the digger down to pull it out and see if I can sort it, might just lift it onto a trailer and pull it into the workshop. Ah well, what can you do....


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Done lots of plumbing. Routing the big hoses is like wrestling a snake, its quite hard to scale, but the big hose in the pictures is about the same size as my wrist. Just fitting in 10 mins here and there at the moment.

Sorry about the picture quality, its very dark in the w/shop. I'll try and take the next ones when the sun is up so its a bit lighter.

Got the C125 out last night, it had sunk pretty bad with all the rain. Turned out it was just a rock stuck behind the input pulley that was jamming it up. Easy fix luckily.

Got a hydraulic PTO motor. Probably a bit big, but the price was right. Its massive, weighs easily 100lbs if not more. Its next to a K62 trans in the photo for scale.

BTW, interesting thing on the K62, that pipe in a U shape on the side, thats flow for 4WD. You just pipe the flow from those ports to a hydraulic motor on the front axle. Thats how Westwood do their 4WD system.




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Jim this beast is looking incredible...thanks for shareing the pics with us here at RS on it's...."creation" :USA:

Have to ask..with all those HYD lines are you marking them for some kind of ID...or since your putting this buggy together you just know them all well enough?

Can't wait to see it all finished & in a working shot. :banghead:

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Jim, Your whole project is just plain impressive. :banghead: I think 3 or 4 of my loaders small lines could fit inside some of the hydraulic hose your working with. Im with Stephen cant wait to see it in action. :USA:

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Cheers guys

Stephen, I'm not putting any ID on them. I have found that when you spend enough time on a machine you can just remember what goes where.

Nick, I think you used 1/4" lines for your loader? The smallest work lines I have are 3/8", I'm using 1/4" to the guages. The pressure line for the drive is 3/4".

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Youve been a busy chap there Jim :banghead:

At least you have reached the best stage in a build now... The putting back together after painting :USA:

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Yup Ian, its so close to being done I can almost feel it. I just ordered the last of the 'essential' bits. So when they arrive it might go.

Dont have much time to spend on it at the moment. The more I spend on it the more I have to work to pay the bills. That and we got carried away playing with the big tractor.... Taken the loader off it, sorted the brakes, and the throttle linkage is on the bench to be fixed. Needs a little machining.

Just got done on a project for a customer at work. He wanted a big collection system for his tractor. We made a big blower run off the PTO that sucks the grass from the deck and blows it into a big trailer with a mesh cage on it. Turned out pretty well, he was very pleased with it.


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Have you got any photo's of the customers grass blower :banghead: Jim?

It's something ive thought about building...

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Well guys, its real close!

Sadly, I messed up and ordered 5 of the hoses wrong. So I have to wait for new ones to come. Ordered one 4" too short, and 4 with the wrong ends. I could have had it going this weekend..... Never mind, I would have probable been rushing to get it done this weekend if they had of been right, less mistakes when I take my time.

Just got to fit a few more hoses, make a steering wheel boss, make a battery box, fit the fuel tank and do the wiring. I might even bleed the suction lines through in anticipation of the hoses coming next week



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Have you got any photo's of the customers grass blower :banghead: Jim?

It's something ive thought about building...


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I don't feel comfortable with posting pictures of the blower as I don't own it, and I haven't asked the owner.

Probably no big deal to do so, but I dont want to cause myself any trouble down the line.

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Fired it up for the first time today! Could do little more than twitch the steering as its on axle stands awaiting the final fittings, but atleast it does something

I had forgotten to tighten one fitting on the steering, a large shower of fluid later that was sorted.

Not really all that exciting in the scale of things I suppose, but I've spent thousands of pounds on it and thats the first sign of life, I'm over the moon. Lets hope the last few fittings I need turn up soon!

If I can get it to do something more exciting I'll take a video tomorrow. My camera doesnt have sound, but apart from the engine there isnt much to hear.

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Congratulations, Jim! ! ! ! ! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Can't wait to see it in action! :horseplay:

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WOW Jim ! Looking awesome !

BTW, if you need a shack with a taller garage door to keep it in, let me know... :banghead:


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BTW, if you need a shack with a taller garage door to keep it in, let me know... :banghead:

That's why i built my Workshack extension with nice tall (and wide) doors :USA::thumbs:

Now how's that saying go... Ah yes... "So close and yet not very far" :lol:

Congrats on getting the beast running Jim :omg: bet you cant wait to get charging around the wood on it :lol:

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Well guys, the day came :banghead: It works!

Only had one leak, just a fitting that needed tightening. Other than that its just dandy. Honestly, works just as I had hoped. Plenty of power, if you stamp on the pedal you can get the wheels to spin a little :USA:

The steering is a little too many turns lock to lock if I had to pick holes, but I dont think I'll change it, its OK.

Its night time but we got one decent photo. Its ruined the lawn, worth it though


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Jim, That thing is awesome :group: :group:

Congratulations!!! :banghead: I just wish I had half your ability to fab such an awesome machine. My dad had that ability also. I'll get some pics of the custom 32hp tractor he fabbed in 1967. Once again Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see more pics.


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Nasty looking cut you got.

Thought id stitch it up for ya so the scar wont be too bad.

Now get back to work on your project so we can see the finished creation! :banghead:


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:banghead: yay the beast lives :USA:

Great work there Jim :thumbs:

Driving the beast must make all the work and ruined lawn worthwhile :D

Hats off for a job well done :lol:

P.S. I need to pick your brains about hydraulics at some point, your build is giving me ideas for my 6x6x6 project :omg: :lol:

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