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Positive Ground?!?!

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Is it okay just to switch the cables so it is a negative ground? My 876 for some reason has positive ground? Will it mess with the voltage regulator?


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If your engine is spec 30108d you will also need to reverse the wires on your coil. For a positive ground system the wire from the ignition switch goes to the - terminal on the coil ...the + terminal goes to the points.

For negative ground switch wire to + and - to the points.

Not sure about your regulator...mechanical regulators are specific for positive ground....don't know about the solid state stuff

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It was negative ground when I owned it. :USA:

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Will it mess with the voltage regulator?

When I first read this I immediately thought: "Of course! The Delco Remy controller is toast!"

I thought about it for a while since my elderly father commonly reversed the battery on his two positive ground Fords (9N and 600). Always unpon the replacement of the battery. I recall that several times we didn't need to do anything.

I pulled out an old (1962) Delco Remy training manual and it did not directly say so, but in several diagrams for testing, I states "positive or negative ground". Implying the controller does not care about polarity.

How did yours work out? :D

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The regulator works and it charges. I guess I'll just switch the wires around and keep peace of mind. I hooked up headlights on it today with no problem.

Thanks for the advice


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