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hydro pump c120

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hi folks more questions about my c120 hyd what filter does this take are most internal parts available for the trans and what typicaly fails inside the pump. and was also wondering if there is a releif valve on the pump that may have stuck giving me my trouble. decided to keep it original if i can not do a trans swap. to refresh your memories i was pulling logs on a hot day it was going well and then i felt what seemed to be lots of resistance while trying to push stick forward lots of horsepower was used just to move itself on flat ground. stoped for a while and let it cool down when it finally cooled it would move but you could put your foot in front the tire and stop it no mater what throttle or stick position. also thanks for everyones input prior to now :omg:

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Hydro has several check valves,springs that may could be your problem at best,a manual is a great help,Rick

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rick do any of these problem bring as to were i should lean towards :omg: any ideas

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Your problem can be as simple as a broken spring or a stuck valve to a wore out pump and/or drive motor,Rick

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can whlvr

i have rebuilt the sunstrand 90 series and its hard to tell what broke insside,first take off the cover plate over the front of the pumpwhere the linkage is located and check the nylon plate to see if its wrecked,maybe u will be lucky,here is some pics of my pump failure 004-5.jpg007-3.jpg

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