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Mentone Indiana Swap & Sell Apr 17

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Hi All,

Just wanted to let everyone know about the Mentone Indiana Swap & Sell coming up April 17 2010


I have several addresses and will also be mailing these flyers out. If anyone wants a flyer just PM me your address and I'll send you one. Any questions just let me know.



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Just a BUMP... Time is getting closer and trailer is getting fuller!

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Lane Ranger

Gene: Can you send one of the Mentone Swap Meet flyers to:

David Ralph

4041 West 47th Avenue

Gary, Indiana 46408


Don Redding

1260 North 100 West

Medaryville, Indiana 47957

Thank you!

Lane Ralph

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Sure will... In the mail today!!!

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One week away from today... Keep the fingers crossed for good weather!!!

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I got tires changed on the trailer today, and started getting stuff ready to load, I think I need a bigger trailer, this 18' one is not going to hold everthing :D I'm going to have to put the side racks on, and stack stuff :omg: hope the weather is nice I hear it is going to be but that is up here.

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Well Kelly for the past three days it has said partly sunny and 64... Now they say scatered showers and 67... I'll wait three more days and see what it says then...

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weather report Gene? I really want to come the trailer is loaded, but I'm not setting in the rain all day after a 2+ hour drive.

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Mid 50's and partly cloudy. It's changed 3 times this week already, it could change again by Saturday. Unless it's pouring down rain I'll be there.

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I am with Jim on that one. Loaded up some stuff tonight and ready to make the 20 minute trip :omg:

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Kelly I said three days... :D and I'm looking foward to seeing that trailer load! Will you have any parts on there for a 654, 604, or 704 by any chance?

Now it says sunny and 60... I can stand for that... 70 would be better but I'll take sunny... :omg:

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just :omg: on the weather just no heavy rain and I'm there, I changed the oil tonight on the truck, topped off the trailer, it's pretty full, to the top of the 3' racks and a few totes to go in the back of the suburban almost no round hood parts, but i do have 2 WH tillers, a few decks, a 655 with a 10hp tucky in it, a 60 suburban, snow blade, a few sets of tires, cast iron front weights not WH, some off brand stuff, few engine parts, ect....... I've never set up at a tractor swapmeet this is my first, done many car swapmeets

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Most times Kelly I cant even get my Truck parked before people are scaming thru the stuff and I bring very little...

As for weather they are saying the rain is all going south... So keep your fingers crossed...

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By the way is there a steet number I can put in my GPS?

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I'm shooting for about 7 or 7:30 to be there. might get unloaded before to many people show up

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Kelly put in "100 S Oak St. Mentone IN" and it will get you there. My Garmin mapped me there just now and it worked ok. If I can help you at all Saturday give me a call. I plan on being there about 7 also.


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I got word today from one of the guys that puts this swap on (Ken "fabricator2009") that there will be a food vendor there with hotdogs, hamburgers and pulled pork... :omg:

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Save me a spot, I'll be there about 7:30. I'm not bringing a trailer this time, but I have my truck packed pretty full.

I'm bringing a rare NOS Wheel Horse attachment complete with the manual. If you want to know what it is, you'll just have to be there Saturday. I'll give you a hint, not many people that I know have seen one in person and there are no pictures of one in the photo gallery.

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Jim, I'll bet I know what it is. Does it have anything to do with garden? See Ya, Bye Burly :omg:


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Gene, you should know the way like the back of your hand. I'll be there to at least I think so. I have been in Florida since Sunday evening and I am headed home. Had to pull over and get some sleep in Acworth, Georgia tonite headed out at 6:30am tomorrow and should be home by 6pm. See Ya, Bye Burly :omg:


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Ya Burly I do know the way to Mentone like the back of my hand. Also Portland, Auburn, Wapak, Logansport, Bluffton... Wow I guess these are all tractor events...

If you read this Burly have a safe trip and hope to see ya Saturday!!! :omg:

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All loaded, I hope you guys buy stuff, I don't want to load this all back up, heck I'm not sure it will all fit again, I installed Air lift bags today in the back of my suburban, WOW they are nice, and only about 1.5 hours to put it all in, lifted the back of the truck like no load at all.

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big mike

I don't have quite the load it sounds like Kelly is bringing but I hope the Fat Mans green F-150 comes home empty :omg:

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Just got home from the swap and all i can say is, what a great group of guys!! I just wanted to thank Gene, Kelly, Scott, Lane, and all the other guys. Did anybody see my dad and i stuff a snowblower it the back of his saturn? :omg: Oh, and a motor, 2 fenders, and a bunch of misc. Next year we will bring a semi-truck. :D

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I'm glad you had a good time Bryan... Hope I didn't charge you to much for the shifter boot... :omg:

Also just wanted to let everyone know that Brrly1 (John) road over with a couple friends and on the way home some one pulled out in front of them in Warsaw and totalled out the chevy truck they were in. Don't know how everyone is so keep them in your thoughts... If you can, let us know how your all doing John...

I'll post some pictures a little later... I do know Kelly brought alot of stuff and left with alot of GREEN! Not john deere either...

edit: Glad to hear that their ok Ken...

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