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Plow/Blade interchangeability

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Hi all, I just bought me a 520h that's in great shape and I'd like to find a blade for it. I found one locally and the seller told me he thought it was off of the 5xi series. Will this fit my 520h? If not, could it be easily modified to fit? The price is good.

Thanks a lot,


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Anyone know? If it wouldn't take too much modification I'll probably get it.



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Do you have any photos? That may help in getting a response.

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What year is your 520H? If it has the swept forward axle (meaning the axle is v-shaped towards the nose of the tractor, and not straight across), you're going to need the completing kit that extends the blade's a-frame and allows it to clear the front wheels when the blade is indexed. Those kits alone are pretty expensive. There have been a couple topics here about them. Pat (jusjeepn) had a writeup in the past about making his own. Let us know if you can't find it in the search.

Here's a thread that has lots of good info for you. http://www.wheelhorseforum.com/index.php?showtopic=541

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Thanks for the response. My wheelhorse is a 1998 I do believe. Here are some pictures of the plow. I read that thread you pointed me too but wasn't able to gather whether or not the x series were long like the 520h's are.





I am capable of some small fabrication but anything complex and I'll probably pass this one up. The price is right, $150, maybe less.

Thanks a lot.


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