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My "new" C-160

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I got this tractor yesterday (see my other posts)

Got it running tonight.

It has hydro lift on it, and when I move the lever for that, the lift goes up and down like it should...so that must mean the pump is working, right? :thumbs:

This is my first auto, so I don't know much about them.

But when I move the lever to get the tractor to go forward or reverse, nothing happens. what do you suppose is the problem??? What should I look for, as I said before, this is my first auto.

Also another thing I thought was weird, I was going to move the lever so I could push the thing, but i don't see a lever anywhere on the left side of the tranny! I see the sticker saying to move the lever, but I cannot locate the lever. Does anyone have a picture of what it should look like?

Also, my brake pedal is clear forward, almost horizontal, but when I pull it back, it just falls forward again, any ideas


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There should be a tow valve under the fender pan or right behind the left(as your sitting on it) running board. Find that as the owner might of opened it so he could push it around since it wasnt running when you got it.

I think the 74-75 had a flip up fender for access to it but your 76 should have it behind the running board. Close it and see what happens but make sure the motor is not running when you do.


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Thanks Sparky,

I found the "valve"......I didn't know what I was looking for, it was screwed out ALOT.....so much that it was dripping fluid, but I screwed it all the way in and BAM, it works...............kind of.

When the tractor was running, i had the lever in the "neutral" position, had my back to the tractor for a split second, then I heard the faint hum of the pump, I looked back and I had Christine on my hands.....a runaway tractor!!!!!

Why would it do that????

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You didn't put the parking brake on.

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So even if these are in the neutral position, they will creep one way or the other? :thumbs:

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They arent supposed to but the potential is there for creepage or worse yet someone knocks the control lever while its running with no one on it and BAM...right thru the garage door. Set the parking brake on it if its running and you need to walk away.


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K...That's good to know....Thanks :thumbs: :banghead:

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The garage door thing really can happen! :thumbs: Rick

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Search around and find the thread on "friction adjustment" or just download the manual for the C from Toro or Yahoo Groups if they have it. The direction control lever should have a fair bit of resistance to prevent it from falling forward/back. never leave that thing unattended with the pump engaged-you will regret it.


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