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1978 Power King 1614

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It looks like my next restore project will be a Power King.

I was kinda looking around for one for myself but I do not have the Cash.

My neighbor and I share most of everything that we have and he bought it.

We will do the restore in my garage and I will use it as much as he does.

It's a little rough, but we both thought that we needed a tractor with a front end loader and now we have one.

It has two transmissions and the second one does not shift correctly so we will be looking at that first. The tractor needs work, but I have no problem with that.

I wonder what the shop will look like once I mix the orange paint with the red that is on everything.

If there are PK experts on this board, then now is the time to speak up!! LOL!!!



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Them powerkings are neat tractors,wish I would have purchased one a while back when I had the chance,Rick

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