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Peerless Model: 669A Questions

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Hi Guys, I have been a member for some time, I have been rebuilding garden tractors for a while but as yet have not had a horse.... they tend to go for more than I can afford :notworthy:

I am converting a Westwood T1100... into something else :thumbs: and for various reasons I want to increase the track width. Plan "A" was to increase the shaft length of the standard peerless box but a wheel horse gearbox may be available to me, I cannot find out the info I need from the seller so thought I would ask here.

The axle came from a B81 and has the following number, 8179-7399 It is a 3 speed and reverse.

Can anyone tell me the total length of the axle? (I am hoping for somewhere around 960mm [ 37 1/2"] )

Also I would like to know the gear ratios to work out pulley size using 18" tyres.

I have googled for hours without finding the info, hopefully someone here can help me out.

Regards rog8811

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I had come across that in my searching, I couldn't even make out whether the one I am looking at is a slow speed or not...... the last thing I want is slow :notworthy: I cannot see any dimensions there.

Thanks for the pointer though, I just wish the seller would come back to me with, what is, a very simple measurement.

Regards rog8811

*Edit moments later* Seller has got back to me, 24 1/2" so too narrow for my purposes.... back to plan "A" then.

Regards rog8811

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