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The 416-H hard at work today...

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All summer long a tree in the front yard looked like it was dying. It was a good sized tree and this morning I looked at it and thought that either I'm going to take it down or mother nature will. Being as the kids play in the front yard, I thought it best for me to take it down. It took me all day, but finally got all the little branches chipped up, and the trunk and larger branches cut up and put away to dry. The trusty 416-H was used to haul the wagon full of wood from the front yard to the back. That's a 13 year old 17 Cu. Ft. Agri Fab and you can see by the tire on the trailer, this was not a light load. I'm guessing that it was about 700lbs and the Wheel Horse pulled it with ease. I have actually filled the back of the wagon with Item-4 mounded up on top, must have been around 1300 lbs (should have gotten a picture of that one....

Time to sit back and have a few, to take my mind off of those muscles I completely forgot I had. :P



BTW, Eldon, I was thinking about you all the time I was lifting these stinking logs, and what I would have given to use a FEL to get this job done! Wouldn't that FEL look just great on the front of a 416 :D

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I've allways had trouble with the tires on my yard trailer going flat or getting punctured cause their so thin skinned. I ended up with a set of old Wheel Horse front wheels/tires, 16 x 5.50 x8 that were all cracked but would hold air indefinately. Fit right on the axles with just a little modification for clearance. Turns out they can take a massive load without squishing .


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While you're sitting back taking it easy, might as well give the old WH a drink of it's favorite unleaded beverage and give her a good rub down and park her where she can rest also. :D

Nice, heavy loads. Looks like too much work in this heat.

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