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Final drive

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I am replacing an old 4 speed transmission on my Wheel Horse puller with a 8 speed. Could someone please tell me if the final drive ratio is the same with the 4 spd vs the 8 spd? I pulled in 2nd with the 4 speed and will pull in second high range with the 8 speed.

I want to have a pulley on the rear that is the same ratio that I had before.

Thanks for your help,


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I'm not sure exactly what you're asking, Ron, but the 2nd gear ratio is 42.1 to 1 in a lot of transmissions. (in high range in the 8 speed, of course)

The original engine to transaxle pulley ratio for the early 3/4 speed was 1.6 to 1 (2.5" engine pulley / 4" transaxle input pulley)

The "newer" models (both 3/4 speed and 6/8 speed) received the 4" engine pulley and (I think) a 6.75" transaxle pulley for a 1.6875 to 1 ratio.

I have no idea what configuration you have been using, so you'll have to do the math on your current pulleys. :notworthy:

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I was using a 5 inch pulley on the transmission on the 4 speed and pulling in 2nd gear. If I put the same 5 inch on the 8 spd and pulling in 2nd high should I still have the same final drive? I would be using the same size pulley on the engine that I had on the 4 spd.



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I think that the 8 speed would be the same as you will use the same size pulleyRick

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Indy w h

You will have a little "faster" wheel speed with the high range

because of the "in between gears" if that helps ya out


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If I put the same 5 inch on the 8 spd and pulling in 2nd high should I still have the same final drive?

Yes. :notworthy:

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Anyone know a good place to order pulleys? I need a BK5.2, 5/8" bore.



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sorry I thought you said Bk52, you what a bk, @ 5.2 in.

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Yes, I think they call it a 5.2 inch although the BK5 pulley I have is actually less than 5 inches. I need a BK5.2. I got a price of $25 already. Just wondered if there was a cheaper price somewhere.

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Indy w h

You can go to tractor supply and buy a 5" pulley with a 5/8 weld in insert

just weld the insert in and your good to go


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I was by there earlier today. Everything looked like some sort of lightweigh casting. I think I will go ahead and buy the steel pulley. Thanks though.


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McMaster Carr is a little cheaper than Grainger.

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