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C85 refurb/repower?

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I'm currently working on a C85 refurb and considering a transplant of a (dare i say it? tecumseh oh140 engine. a friend just gave me this engine, said he was told it runs, i haven't checked it out yet to see. i'm wondering how hard it'll be to make this swap, or if it's even worth the trouble as i don't know anything about techy engines. i know they aren't the most popular around, and i'm a huge "fan" of the kohler k series. so any advice would be greatly appreciated. as for the pics, i could take a pic of the garage from outside and caption it... "it's all in there, somewhere." :notworthy: thanks in advance guys,


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i guess i'll just have to feel my way through this on my own. someone can close this thread. <_

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Sorry Jim, I have no idea as well! I'm sure with your talents you'll be able to sort it out, and let us know the details!

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Hi Jim - not sure on the tecky you have ,but on my Raider 9 - the motor (HH100) has a mounting plate between the frame & motor to off set it .

I would try and set the mtotr on the frame to see if the bolt holes line up.

Other than that it would be plumbing the usual stuff up, cables,gas line & wiring

Good luck with it - :notworthy:


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sould be a fairley easy transplant,Rick

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You could go to a lot of trouble and find the tecky is no good. If you

intend to restore the C-85 to a useful dependable machine, replace

the engine with a Honda. These come complete, tank and all. Just

bolt them in and connect the battery and belts, far less effort than

adapting the tecky.

I have replaced original engines as above in two chassis like yours,

a C-111 and a C-81. You might have to drill new holes in the iso plate,

but that's easy enough. Also, some metal removal from the hood (not

too bad).

Check out Harbor Freight STORES, 11 hp and 13 hp electric start engines

are 250 and 300 smackers now (Chinese assembled Hondas).

Unfortunately, they are painted blue, not red.

Tom in RI

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I know that the Tec OHV engines are kinda tall so make sure that you have plenty of clearance (which usually isnt a problem with the black hoods). I had one here for awhile last year with a messed up up valve seat like the Onans sometimes get. I was told it was a common problem with the OHV Tec motors so I quickly traded it off for some welding work. It came to me bolted down on a GT1848 and it fit fine.

My opinion, find a Kohler somewhere and avoid the headaches that that motor will definitely bring you....eventually. Not to mention your tractor is allready wired for a "K" series.


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Wheelhorse did use the oh160 on some C160 models in 74 or 75,Rick

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