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how do you tell if the transmission is bad?

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So I still have the c-85 I am trying to figure out what to do with because the motor is blown. So I decided to play with it today. I ran though the gears and tried to move the tractor. In low and in all four gears the transmission engages and you can not push the tractor, but when I shift to high the tractor will roll as if in neutral in all gears. For some reason I do not think this is normal.

The transmission has no leaks and the fluid looks and smells new.

Any thought would be appreciated.


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Indy w h

You could have a broken shifter fork. Hard to tell until you tear it apart. Some of them were prone

to breaking at the factory weld. Taer it down and check it out.


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can whlvr

are u sure you are getting it into high gear,try and roll it a bit while putting it into high gear,it should not roll in gear

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are u sure you are getting it into high gear,try and roll it a bit while putting it into high gear,it should not roll in gear

Gregs tractor will roll in gear if it doesnt have a motor in it.

Watch the input pulley when you roll the tractor. In neutral the input pulley shouldnt turn, in any of the gears it will. It should be harder to roll the tractor in the low range gears, because the mechanical advantage is working against you.

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you saved me again.

Took the seat off and watch the pulley on the trans. The trans seems to work fine. It is harder to move in low, and moves easy in high, which is why I thought it was rolling free.

Thanks again

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