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charger 10

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I picked up a charger 10. :scratchead: How can I tell if the trans is good if it doesn't have a motor in it?Doesn't have fluid around any of the seals,it looks tight!Any help would be great!! Thanks Brian

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No for sure way to test it as you can't heat it up. May be dry around the seals because there is no fluid in it :scratchead:

With the valve set to drive try to jam the input pulley (a wedge, a clamp or a belt wrapped around it) so it won't turn then try pushing the tractor...should be stiff resistance...

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Paul,Thanks for that info!!I moved the valve to move the tractor and put it back there is a resistance there so you think it will be alright???? I'm thinking about repowering it with a 4 HP,something to play with until I find a 10 for a GOOD price.Need a hood for it though.Something to pull a trailer around.Brian

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can whlvr

its vertually impossible to tell utill u put a motor in it and run it for a while,the 4 hp wont be enough to get full pressure,i have a c120 with a 6.5 in it and it will drive around but it is not near enough.

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Do yo think it will move at all? Waste of time. Brian

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If the 875/876/877 models could use an 8hp engine to power the hydro and a 36" (or even 42") mower deck simultaneously, there's no reason why a 4hp engine can't provide enough power to run the hydro unit enough to "putt around".

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Terry,I'm Puttin around can't get my girls off it Pulled a trailer and all :notworthy: Brian

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