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Pumpkin Run.....Southern NJ

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November 7 is the Pumpkin Run held in one of the neatest old junkyards you've ever seen. The show has a lot of everything, from a couple of thousand street rods, old tractors, hit & miss engines, garden tractor pulls, custom vans, military vehicles, big flea market, a museum of early stock car racing in NJ, and who knows what else. If we FINALLY get a decent weekend this is a show you don't want to miss. Another nice feature, if you bring your tractors you get in free, the street rods and visitors have to pay...... Here's their website:


Look at the pictures and see what showed up in the rain last year. Imagine what will be there if the sun is shining :scratchead:

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Looks like a great show. To far for me to attend, so please take a lot of pics.


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Buzz...that looks like a great show...even in the rain...too far for me thopugh :scratchead:

take lots of pictures, please....especially if you see a 1964 ford...don't see to many of those.


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I plan on going to the pumpkin run with my son and grand-son. Thinking of bringing my C-160. What do you do, just load it on the back of the truck and drive it in, or is there some prior registration required,

Dan Gatton

Franklinville, New Jersey

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I plan on going to the pumpkin run with my son and grand-son. Thinking of bringing my C-160. What do you do, just load it on the back of the truck and drive it in, or is there some prior registration required,

Dan Gatton

Franklinville, New Jersey

No registration required. I try to get there early other wise you can be backed up in traffic, most of it street rods, trying to get in. Once you enter they send the tractors off to the left and street rods to the right to park. They have a well laid out route to the tractor area and a lot of people directing you. They are calling for sunshine and 56 degrees. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

JimT are you coming?

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Thanks Buzz,


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Hey Buzz,

I am out on this one. I need to get some work done on the house before winter kicks in full bore.


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Quess I'll see you in the spring at the Farm Fun Days show. Take care

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Here's the weather forecast for this Saturday. Looking good :scratchead:

Hope to see some of you there.

Saturday, Nov 7

High: 57

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