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Rebuilding a 312-8 tranny....

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Hi, folks,

I'm in the process of reassembling the tranny from my '88 312-8. Things are going well so far, but I've hit a bit of a snag. :ychain: Since I can't find a tranny manual for post-1982 machines, I'm using the one for 1958-1982. So far everything is matching up. (If there is a manual for the '83 and up 8-speeds, I'd love to find one!).

On page 49 of the manual, there is an instruction to "Shift the 2nd and high shift rail assembly into 2nd speed position." OK, very well, but in a stack of gears and goodies laying on their sides, how do I know what "2nd speed position" is? :scratchead: Can someone with experience out there give me some pointers, please?

BTW, for anyone out there preparing to tackle their first tranny rebuild, it's not as scary a task as I thought it would be. The posts found here made it quite manageable! :ychain:

Thanks much as always!

Duff :hide:

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2nd gear is the back shift fork pushed to the left if you are looking at it from the top.


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2nd gear is the back shift fork pushed to the left if you are looking at it from the top.


Thanks, Charlie! :hide:

Duff :scratchead:

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