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World Frog Day is an annual celebration celebrated on March 20. Unlike other animals, not all of us love frogs for their looks, appearance, and most importantly, their croak. Most often they are tiny creatures, small in body, and will make us scrunch up our faces. Frogs are amphibians that can be found both on land and in water. They are considered to be predators and play an important role in preserving the environment throughout their lives. In recent years, however, frogs have been critically endangered for several reasons. World Frog Day is an awareness day celebrated to save these living beings and provide them with a safer environment to survive.

Frogs are tailless amphibians with origins dating back nearly 256 million years. They were valued as food by the people and also have many cultural roles including literature, symbolism, and religion. Approximately 6,000 known frog species have been found, of which 4,800 recorded frog species have been found around the world except for Antarctica. But around 170 species of frogs have become extinct in the past decade. The reason for their population decline is different, as they are disappearing due to both human activity and fungal infections.

Frog populations have declined significantly since the 1950s and around a third of the world’s species are critically endangered, while more than 120 species are believed to have been extinct since the 1980s. The extinction of certain frogs has been traced back to emerging fungal diseases, habitat destruction and alteration, pollution, climate change, pesticide use, and more. All of this led to an increase in malformations in frogs in particular.

Many conservation biologists around the world are actively working to find and understand the causes of these problems and ways to solve them. Frogs are tailless amphibians of the order. Anura. They are widespread from the tropics to the subarctic regions, but the highest concentration of biodiversity is found in tropical rainforests. The oldest fossil of the “Protofrog” appeared in the early Triassic of Madagascar. However, the dating of the molecular clock suggests that the origin of the frog could stretch further back into the Permian, approximately 265 million years ago.

The Goliath frog is the largest in the world. Brazil has the most frogs with a total Amphibian species count of 1,022.



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I like frogs 🐸 

One of Trina's favorite animals in fact.


As some of you know I purposefully had a small frog pond put into our backyard reconstruction a few years ago on purpose. This past year we had another one installed. One of our favorite noises is the spring peepers.

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That’s a firecracker of a story, Mr. Richard!  I will say, I’ve never blown up a frog.  I do occasionally catch them in our pool and toss them to the chickens.  It takes about three pecks to kill a frog, and about four more to devour it.  It’s quite remarkable how viscous a chicken can be, yet walk around us in peace or even timidly.

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2 hours ago, Pullstart said:

quite remarkable how viscous a chicken can be, yet walk around us in peace or even timidly.



Yeah right. For now. YOU JUST WAIT!

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1 minute ago, ebinmaine said:



Yeah right. For now. YOU JUST WAIT!

They're just mini raptors!

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3 hours ago, ebinmaine said:



Yeah right. For now. YOU JUST WAIT!



Meh.  We’ve had some pesky roosters.  I ate ‘em.  :eusa-whistle: 

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1 hour ago, Pullstart said:



Meh.  We’ve had some pesky roosters.  I ate ‘em.  :eusa-whistle: 

Reminds me of a family friend who couldn't go into the barn with out a shovel to defend himself.

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7 hours ago, SylvanLakeWH said:



Legs fried.

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