daveoman1966 3,787 #26 Posted Friday at 05:53 AM A few here have noted that the C-160 Auto (Sundstrand 90-1140) has an internal Parking Brake. Not to be picayune, but the correct term is PARKING PAWL. The PARKING PAWL looks like one of these two, either of which will LOCK the gears of the transmission to prevent roll-away. NEVER....NOT EVER--- pull UP on the Parking brake lever while in motion. You MUST come to a FULL DEAD STOP before engaging the Parking brake/pawl. For the same reason, you would not throw you car or truck into PARK while moving...would you? Note the wear chips on the Pawl 103888 below...those STEEL chips float around in the fluid of the trans and make their way to the soft BRASS internal parts---piston slippers, base of piston block, and thrust plate---scarring precision ground mating surfaces which leads to loss of hyd pressure---resulting in power loss. I have to add that to just rebuild the HYD PUMP and not the HYD MOTOR would be a mistake. These have a common fluid and it is ALWAYS a safe bet to rebuild BOTH... 2 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gilou15 23 #27 Posted Friday at 01:20 PM This demonstration clearly proves to us that we should prefer a C161 transmission....Because everyone can and will forget the parking brake one day..... Thanks Dave for this very good document!! 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites