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C160 Auto vs C161 Auto /transmission differences

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Hello ,

Is there difference between transmission C160 and C161 ( K341) ?

- Perhaps C161 has a Eaton 11 ??

I cannot find in the documents 

Thanks for your answers


Edited by Gilou15

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They both have a Sundstrand. 

The 161 might have a drum for the brake. A 160 will not.

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Thanks 👍 

Is Sundstrand not so good as an Eaton ?

Is it reliable, is it possible to rebuild ?

What diff ?

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1 minute ago, Gilou15 said:

Thanks 👍 

Is Sundstrand not so good as an Eaton ?

 Eaton  1100 is known to be a little more heavy duty but the Sundstrand is just fine.

1 minute ago, Gilou15 said:

Is it reliable, is it possible to rebuild ?


Sundstrand Transmissions used in Wheelhorses are well known to last many decades.

Certainly can be rebuilt. Yes. There are instructions here on Redsquare.


1 minute ago, Gilou15 said:

What diff ?


Should be eight pinion 1 1/8" axles, open diff. Not limited slip. Very good reliable setup.

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Ed Kennell

I have had several tractors with the Eaton 1100s.   Never had a problem with any of them.   They do require a 5-10 minute warm up in cold weather.  The Eaton 700 are not as strong.

Also had many Sundstrands with only one failure.    In general, the Eatons should have less hours than the Sundstrands.



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Ed Kennell
59 minutes ago, Gilou15 said:


Is there difference between transmission C160 and C161 ( K341) ?

The C-160 should have a Sundstrand #90-1140.

The C-161 should have a Sundstrand # 90-1173.

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1 hour ago, Ed Kennell said:

Le C-160 devrait avoir un Sundstrand #90-1140.

Le C-161 devrait avoir un Sundstrand # 90-1173.

That is précise !! What is the différence ?

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The C-161 had a physical brake on the hydro unit,  Making for different Sunstrand #

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Ah yes I understand ! Thanks !!

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Ed Kennell

Wheel Horse used several different models of Sundstrand Hydros.    I do not know what the differences are.

3100077, 90-2046, 90-2062, 90-1136, 90-1137, 90-1140, 90-1172, 90-1173

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2 minutes ago, Ed Kennell said:

Wheel Horse used several different models of Sundstrand Hydros.    I do not know what the differences are.

3100077, 90-2046, 90-2062, 90-1136, 90-1137, 90-1140, 90-1172, 90-1173



There are really only a couple major internal differences.  Hydro gear vs piston to piston and physical brake...  There is also a gearing difference on GT 14s  otherwise it is usually the location of motion control shaft, differences in the slider and motion control handle set up, w-w/o lift etc...

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As noted by others, the C-161 has sundstrand model 90-1173---with an external brake drum. Aside from that, the Sundstrand  Piston-to-piston models 90-1136, 1137, 1140, 1172, 1173 are internally near identical.  I have successfully rebuilt MANY of them and have made available a FREE download of the overhaul process.   The sundstrand Hydro-gear 90-2046 is also an easy rebuild...as is the GT-14 model 90-2062.  There are also gasket and O-ring kits available via Red Sq vendors.  


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Thank you very much !

You fund internal parts used ?

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4 hours ago, Gilou15 said:

Thank you very much !

You fund internal parts used ?

That would depend on what parts you need.  I have some...

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FYI, the C1x5 auto tractors were the 1st Wheel Horses to use the Eaton 1100 auto transmissions.  Some of the last C161’s may have had a Eaton 1100. 

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5 hours ago, oliver2-44 said:

Pour information, les tracteurs C1x5 ont été les premiers à utiliser les transmissions automatiques Eaton 1100. Certains des derniers C161 étaient peut-être équipés d'une transmission Eaton 1100. 

Ce serait intéressant de connaître cela vraiment dommage...peut être avec un numéro de série ou une date faisant le changement ?


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Posted (edited)

Good ! 👍 It would be interesting to know the starting body number (or the year /month) which it changes ...

The Kohler K341 in the tracteur I could buy is 9015552 then from 1978....

Edited by Gilou15

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10 hours ago, daveoman1966 said:

Cela dépend des pièces dont vous avez besoin. J'en ai quelques-unes…

Je me suis mal exprimé : je demandais si tu avais trouvé au moment des révisions de ces ensembles hydrauliques, des parties endommagées par l'utilisation excepté les joints bien sûr !?

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Any issues with Sunstrand Hydros usually result from inappropriate use of the parking brake.  Engaging it while moving grinds off small bits of steel that then circulate through the system damaging the brass valve plates and slippers.  The damage if not too severe can be repaired  as covered in the files provided above. 


Les problèmes rencontrés avec les moteurs Sunstrand Hydros résultent généralement d'une mauvaise utilisation du frein de stationnement. L'actionner en marche provoque la projection de petits morceaux d'acier qui circulent ensuite dans le système, endommageant les plaques de soupape et les patins en laiton. Si les dommages ne sont pas trop importants, ils peuvent être réparés comme indiqué dans les fichiers ci-dessus.

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Ah ok I didn't know there was a break system inside ! It is detrimental !

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The C-160 will have the internal parking brake...The C-161 would not have it.  With any 50 year old hydro you really want to test it before buying.  Run it around get it warmed up then chain it to a tree or put it up against a wall and see if she will try to dig in the rear tires.



Le C-160 sera équipé d'un frein de stationnement interne, contrairement au C-161. Avec tout véhicule hydroélectrique de 50 ans, il est essentiel de le tester avant de l'acheter. Faites-le tourner, laissez-le chauffer, puis attachez-le à un arbre ou contre un mur et voyez s'il essaie de s'enfoncer dans les pneus arrière.

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Posted (edited)

Merci pour ce conseil !

Je vous trouve sur ce forum très impliqués, compétents et de très bons conseils 

Je suis heureux de faire partie de ce groupe, même depuis la France...👍🤞😁

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Ed Kennell
1 hour ago, pfrederi said:

With any 50 year old hydro you really want to test it before buying.  Run it around get it warmed up then chain it to a tree or put it up against a wall and see if she will try to dig in the rear tires.

I even do this with all the non-running hydro tractors I buy.     Chain it to a tree, then operate the hydro with a long belt connected to the PTO of a tractor parked to the rear.

Yes, it is turning the hydro in the correct direction.

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Good idea !!

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