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Got 10 WH's all told - 4 runners, 2 destined to be assembled & sold as yard art, 1 roller, and 3 incomplete in pieces......

Edited by ri702bill
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47 minutes ago, ri702bill said:

Got 10 WH's all told - 4 runners, 2 destined to be assembled & sold as yard art, 1 roller, and 3 incompletei n pieces......


A perfectly balanced addiction... I mean, collection sir! :P

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8 hours ago, ebinmaine said:


Two more mowing decks if ya want em. 

And more engine options. 

And possibly a C141 Auto. 


Hey uhhh.  .....


I MIGHT be a bad influence. 

Uhh… @ebinmaine 😁I forgot about those.. I’m not sure about bad but definitely an influence. So, with this pile of tractors/parts does that mean I’m an influencer too? I knew there was a reason for adding that patch to my signature…🤣

Edited by MainelyWheelhorse
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1 hour ago, MainelyWheelhorse said:

mean I’m an influencer too?


Absolutely! :thumbs:


I tend to dislike "new" terms and such. But from now on when I win an auction item or a classified ad, I'm going to call myself a First Responder! :D

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3 hours ago, kpinnc said:

I'm going to call myself a First Responder!


I say this as a joke- but have the utmost respect for real first responders! 


Just for clarification....

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953 nut
4 hours ago, kpinnc said:

when I win an auction item  I'm going to call myself a First Responder!

Actually,    that would make you a LAST Responder.             :angry-tappingfoot:

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26 minutes ago, 953 nut said:

Actually,    that would make you a LAST Responder.             :angry-tappingfoot:


Technically correct 

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29 minutes ago, 953 nut said:

Actually,    that would make you a LAST Responder.             :angry-tappingfoot:

Isn’t that technically a Mortician?

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953 nut

While living in a small central New York community I became a volunteer fireman/EMT. One of the other EMTs was our local Funeral Director/Mortician, being a very small town most people knew who he was. When he was tending to an ill oy injured person they would wonder if he was feeling mixed emotions while helping save their lives.  :scared-eek:


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38 minutes ago, 953 nut said:

they would wonder

Reminds me of that old joke about the guy whose father taught him his whole life to “always cut out the middleman.”  The day came he fell ill and told his son to call the doctor only to see the undertaker coming up the drive shortly thereafter.

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47 minutes ago, 953 nut said:

While living in a small central New York community I became a volunteer fireman/EMT. One of the other EMTs was our local Funeral Director/Mortician, being a very small town most people knew who he was. When he was tending to an ill oy injured person they would wonder if he was feeling mixed emotions while helping save their lives.  :scared-eek:



Years ago, when my grandfather was the pastor of the UM church in Duncannon PA he and his friend Ron Smith, who owned the local funeral home, volunteered with the local EMT service. There was a particular ambulance driver they were often paired with who would wait until the patient was stable and then joke that the patient was lucky, because if something went wrong the priest and the undertaker were already there.

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Pete D
On 3/2/2025 at 7:10 PM, Achto said:


I noticed you said "motorcycles". This statement tells me that your wife already knows that you like to collect things.



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