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peter lena

just came thru my backyard , pete

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peter lena

seen a number of them in the west , goose bumps  are a regular  reaction , always had a  railroad related info card in our  have to see stops . if you were in a  close , but unknown  to you , view , the drivving diversion  was more than worth it . have an imnense majisty , that  just has to be seen / felt ,  our jet boat trip up the rogue river oregon coast , next to JEDADIAH  SMITH  NATIONAL FOREST  , calif  you are just a speck , toot toot , pete

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No. 4017 resides in a museum in Green Bay WI. 



Much cooler to see them out doing what they were made to do.

Edited by Achto
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A few years ago it seems like that  I watched a video about the rebuilding of Big Boy?  Quite an undertaking very interesting.   I'm going to locate the rebuilding and watch it again.


We rode the train from  Springdale, to Van Buren Arkansas.  Big Boy was to be in Van Buren but we missed it.   As I remember it's about a 4 hour ride one way then you can tour Van Buren for a few hours then return to Springdale.  There was a tunnel we passed through and there was a grave yard for men who died building it.  Also crossed a trestle was more than 100 feet high.  We went in the fall about the time leaves fell.  Probably a good thing because we could see further without the leaves.  We are fortunate to live in a country were there is such a wide array of interesting places to visit. 


thanks for posting Pete!

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the Big Boy went through Sedalia Mo. maybe 15 years ago.  Stopped at the Amtrack station.  I was headed out for lunch and saw the steam/smoke, but didn't realize what it was from.  Found out the next day it was the Big Boy.  Kind of disappointed that I missed it.


Maybe 5 years later, Union Pacific's Challenger locomotive came into town and made an overnight stop.  I made it a point to drive a ways out of town and find a good observation spot at a grade crossing.  Not quite as dramatic as   @peter lena footage, as it was slowing down for the stop.  The Challenger is a 4-6-6-4 articulated steam engine just a bit smaller than the Big Boy - still an impressive sight to see running.


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peter lena

@8ntruck  thank you for the  referal , another oregon coast  have to see ,https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwMk3LMDFgtFI1qDA1sTQ1STM1MkpKMTY0TzO1MqhITrO0SDJNSja2SDNJSk1L9hJJLUstSi9KTc1TSMwsUsgtLU4tzQUA0LoV_A&q=evergreen+air+museum&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS866US866&oq=evergreen&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqEggCEC another  , again  just in the  general area  of where you are  ,  walked inside the SPRUCE GOOSE  , german / american fighter planes ,  golden trout farm just up the road  , stay interested , curious ,  could not even  begin to tell anybody   back at work  , what we saw , they could never relate .  road map , pete

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