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Pete D

My Wheel Horse #2

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Magnum engines are tough and reliable.Eight speeds are solid. Good luck with it.

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I love my 414-8. You just have a regular maintenance list to complete and that 14hp magnum has plenty of spunk. Remember to lift the front of the tractor to drain the trans lube. Replace the fuel lines and add a good filter also. Change the spark plug. The carbs will wear at the shaft and will cause some issues but most can be repaired with bushings. Lots of help will come along. Enjoy your tractor, it should last for quite a few more years.



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I think you got a winner


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That’s a good grab for sure!  It’ll provide some project entertainment and then you’ll have a great reliable rig for quite some time.  Hard to be an eight speed with single cylinder Kohler in my book.  :handgestures-thumbupright:

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Not a bad deal and a very good foundation for a fixer upper. :thumbs2:


Found it this time EB :lol:



Edited by WHX??
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14 horse Magnum tied to an 8-speed? That's an awesome combination!


Yes, that's a good choice! :thumbs:

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I would have paid $300 even without the deck.

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Sounds like a good deal, even with having to invest in it.  And like has been said a good tractor overall.  I've seen people trying to sell :wh:'s not running for $300.

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Pete D

My only real concern is the deck height adjuster.  I just need to find a closeup photo to ensure everything is there, and so i can position it properly. I'm not planning to use the mower on it anyway so that's inconsequential. I have a battery tray and hold down for $4.82 arriving tomorrow, that should take care of the battery hold-down issue. The specs say it takes a U1 battery, so maybe it is the correct battery for it after all. I'll confirm the rated CCA when I take it off my truck.

If that's the case, and it just doesn't need to be charged, I may have to disassemble the starter and clean it. I kind of doubt that will be the case though; he said it was 3 weeks old and he hasn't run it much since he purchased the battery, so I think trickle charging it should take care of any issues.

I'll be assessing it further today.

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41 minutes ago, Pete D said:

My only real concern is the deck height adjuster.  I just need to find a closeup photo to ensure everything is there, and so i can position it properly.

From you FB pic this looks like it should be your deck... Click on fuzzy pic or download for all files...


Edited by Blasterdad
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Pete D

@Blasterdad - Thank you!

I'm wondering if there are any parts missing.  It's actually 2 welds, and I think I'll be patching the deck there and in some other  spots at the same time.  I think I with strip, wire brush or sandblast the whole deck, fill and level where needed, and repaint it.  Then put it in storage. 🤓


1st photo is deck label

2nd photo is without the loose parts

3rd is with the 2 parts I have, just loosely sitting (generally) in place.







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Pete D

More pictures I took today.





 (1) 4 1/2" headlight burned out.  I will look for LED replacements.





EDIT:  $41 LED replacements on Amazon


Damage to hood sheet metal.  I can get it into rough shape.  Not interested in perfection.



Champion spark plug, to be replaced with NGK




Rubber anti-slip pads to be placed, possibly with "sandpaper" type.



Wire nuts?  Really?!  Wiring to be done properly.  Also, looks like aftermarket relay, but it works.



300 CCA U series battery (UP1).  Still a flat spot starting.  Not a major issue, but I suspect the starter is bad, internally.




Seat "bushings"/stops deteriorated.  To be replaced along with damper rod. June show?



Bad gas gap, and seat switch disconnected/missing, causing dash light.  To be replaced.  June show?



Missing gear selector knobs.  To be replaced.  eBay, or June show.



Broken reflector.  Auto parts store or eBay if I can get a part#.



Lots of mower deck rust, plus good underside.  Clean rust, assess, fill & level, paint, store.












Edited by Pete D
Add LED headlights info
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You still did well. Every tractor I have started that bad or far worse. Sadly the durability of these machines translated to some people thinking that they could be left out in the rain and improperly maintained. 


Everything you show "wrong" is completely fixable. I look forward to you getting her back in service!

Edited by kpinnc
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Pete D
1 minute ago, kpinnc said:

You still did well. Every tractor I have started that bad or far worse. Sadly the durability of these machines translated to some people that they could be left out in the rain and improperly maintained. 


Everything you show "wrong" is completely fixable. I look forward to you getting her back in service!


Yes, the deck is the worst of it.  No pics of the torn boot on the transmission, and the milky oil is not very bad.  It might just be from condensation, but I'll still flush it before replacing the oil.

I also forgot the taped up seat.  I will use it as-is and see what's available at the big show.  If nothing, I'll either get a cover, or see what an upholstery shop will charge me to redo it (after painting the pan).

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Here is the correct manual for your deck, pretty much the same, in your second pic of the deck the selector arm is upside down & the spring is missing. Is the selector quadrant what you're refering to as needing to be welded?


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Pete D
12 minutes ago, Blasterdad said:

Here is the correct manual for your deck, pretty much the same, in your second pic of the deck the selector arm is upside down & the spring is missing. Is the selector quadrant what you're referring to as needing to be welded?


Yes, I believe it's the selector quadrant.   The part I circled, bottom right.



I also see my LH & RH belt covers are missing. And the rubber flap at the back of the deck.


After I get it clean, welded, patched, & painted, I'll try to find them.

Edited by Pete D
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3 minutes ago, Pete D said:

I also see the LH & RH belt covers are missing.

After I get it clean, welded, patched, & painted, I'll try to find them

I leave all mine off, easier to clean out the pulleys & slides after EVERY time I mow. I have a set if you can't find them.

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9 minutes ago, Pete D said:

Yes, I believe it's the selector quadrant.

The quadrant is not welded to the deck, it bolts on under the axle bracket like the pic shows. :handgestures-thumbupright:

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Here's one of the manuals for your tractor...


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Pete D

The tires I have are 10.5 wide.  They are off my '73 which calls for 9.5" wide tires.

The 414-8 calls for 8.5" wide tires.

With the 10.5s fit?  It looks like there is plenty of room.

Edited by Pete D
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Handy Don
33 minutes ago, Pete D said:

The tires I have are 10.5 wide.  They are off my '73 which calls for 9.5" wide tires.

The 414-8 calls for 8.5" wide tires.

With the 10.5s fit?  It looks like there is plenty of room.


They will widen the rear track, bringing the rear wheels closer to the edge of the mown swath of the 42” RD deck.  

Edited by Handy Don
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Pete D
13 minutes ago, Handy Don said:


They will widen the rear track, bringing the rear wheels closer to the edge of the mown swath of the 42” RD deck.  


That's a non-issue for me, tilling & pushing snow.

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Great tractor, I have 1989 414-8, with a nos 48 deck I purchased about 5 years ago near Gettysburg Pa. at a Toro dealer. Clean it up and it will serve you well. 

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