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Brockport Bill

New OEM engine

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Brockport Bill

there is a new OEM kohler engine available still in its original crate -- don't know the year of manufacture, or how many years its been sitting, or climate conditions it has been subject to? I read here a few weeks back a comment in one of the threads about new engines ( or entire new OEM tractors ) sitting many years unused. I can't recall exactly -- but the comments suggested there is a vulnerability or risk that after sitting many years that internally there can be some engine issues -- don't recall if it was gaskets drying out, or expansion/contraction of internal parts, or lubrication circulation -- or perhaps something about break in period, or about if the engine did, or did NOT have oil put in the engine during storage years, or if it sat for many yrs with or without oil?


I would be interested in the risks or cautions of buying a "new", but many yrs old OEM engine to install as a "repower" to a older tractor rather than doing a rebuild of existing engine?????? Thanks, Bill

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Most new small engines are shipped with out oil from the factory. They should on the other hand have some type of preservative oil in them. If the price is right I would not be afraid of a NOS engine. As a precaution I would pull the head & check the bore for corrosion before I installed it. 

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Pete D
1 hour ago, Achto said:

Most new small engines are shipped with out oil from the factory. They should on the other hand have some type of preservative oil in them. If the price is right I would not be afraid of a NOS engine. As a precaution I would pull the head & check the bore for corrosion before I installed it. 


Can one not inspect to bore through the exhaust port?

Just wondering...


EDIT: I guess that would be 2-stroke only, upon retrospect.  Sorry!

Edited by Pete D
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And because the spark plug is not over the piston you can't use a borescope either... Got to pull the head if you want to see inside.

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Last year I picked up a NOS k241 short block in a crumbling Kohler box. Inside of engine and bore has a very thin feeling film of some type of semi dried oil.  No visible rust inside engine. Crankshaft ends have rust where it has been handled. It has a factory set of gaskets included. 

Edited by oliver2-44
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6 hours ago, oliver2-44 said:

Inside of engine and bore has a very thin feeling film of some type of semi dried oil.

Most likely Cosmoline, perhaps diluted thin enough to spray.

We used a commersial product called Rust-Veto where we built the gundrills. We has to spray down all the machined cast iron components prior to our annual 2 week shutdown in August, due to the excessive humidity in the shop.... It was a clear liquid, with a viscosity  like water. It dried to a hazy whitish film - worked great, easy to remove. Cosmoline has a consistancy like melted wax.

Edited by ri702bill
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4 hours ago, ri702bill said:

Most likely Cosmoline, perhaps diluted thin enough to spray.

I quite familiar with Cosmoline and don't think that's what it was.  It doesn't feel waxy, and there are not any instructions to remove it.    More like a light oil that has dried some after 40+ years.

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