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K181 Kohler Oil Leak Help

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I've used this B-80 for years without any issues but last year it started leaking a little in front  ( the oil spot is from several different times being parked in area ) spacer.pngI haven't tried to tighten any bolts yet, waiting on warmer weather. 

I know there could be several issues which could cause this but thought I'd see what you folks thought and point me in the direction I need to go when warmer. 

Engine still running strong, no noise to mention, no smoke, just leaking oil...

Any help appreciated in advance.




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Are the 4 oil pan to block bolts evenly tightened??

Is the breather not clogged?

Check to see if oil is leaking at the fuel pump.

Pull the flywheel shroud to be able to see if the crank seal behind the flywheel is leaking......

Seems to be a good sized puddle on the floor.....

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Thinking Fuel pump , flywheel side crank seal , or the front flywheel bearing plate gasket. That tach o matic looks dry so I'm leaning towards the fuel pump

Edited by squonk
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When I first noticed it thought it was a gas leak around fuel pump but haven't really looked any further since.

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I looked it over a bit last week and the oil level isn’t changing but the gas is leaking out somewhere. Checked bolts which are all tight. Weather warms up believe I’ll check all gas lines..

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