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No Spark RJ-58

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So I've been troubleshooting the no spark issue on my RJ-58. I had a good blue spark then nothing. I've set the new OE Kohler points from 0.16 - 0.20 with no luck. New plug etc. I decided to remove flywheel and OHM the coil. It read 7.24 OHMS. Since I do not have a service manual (yet) for these older Kohler's I am not sure if this is a good reading.   I dont think a bad condenser would prevent a no spark issue.  I have also disconnected the single kill switch wire removing it as a possibility.  What say you? 


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1 hour ago, dmoore said:

I've set the new OE Kohler points from 0.16 - 0.20 with no luck

Did you clean off the contacts on those new set of points?

They come shipped with a coating on them which prevents them from oxidizing in the package, but that coating also prevents a closed circuit from happening unless it's cleaned off

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Looks like 7.24 Kiliohms (K ohms) I think that is too high. 



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Yep, points cleaned prior to install. Are you saying the Kohms value is to high leading to bad coil or is scale too high?.

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So I removed the coil to get a better look since this is my first K91 and the plug lead came out of it rather easily.  Looked inside and there is this sharp pin? Is the plug lead supposed to just push in on that pin?? Doesn't make sense.



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OHM reading on coil directly to that pin without going through plug lead was 7.29 ohms...slightly higher than going through plug lead. 

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That plug wire is supposed to screw on that pin down in there. Not supposed to 

just push in there.

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4 hours ago, dmoore said:

Is the plug lead supposed to just push in on that pin??

Yes, it just pushes down on the pin for the wire connection and is typically held in place with a small amount of epoxy on the insulation to the wall.


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I see...thanks for that info!

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Guess I will order a coil plug lead and condenser. Coil looks to original Kohler.

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Ok so new NOS stator/coil with new NOS condenser. New Kohler points set at 0.20 and still no spark. Kill switch wire disconnected just for S & G. This is getting monotonous. 

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At this point I am wondering if the flywheel magnets are still strong.  I see they are removable.

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They have a ridge built up on outside perimeter like they are worn down but there's no contact so I'm not sure if they are supposed to look like this or? I can grab the plug lead and spin flywheel by hand and feel just a little tingle. Connect it to the plug and nothing. It's not building enough energy to jump the plug electrode.  



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Ok gentleman, we have pretty blue spark now! 😃 I don't know what was on those point contacts but it took some cleaning with crocus cloth to get them to work! Never had to go that far in past experiences.  One choke and she fired up and idled like champ. Shout out to Brian of K & B Wheel Horse Parts for building me a great lil Carter! And thanks to all who chimed in with help throughout! Now just awaiting my steering pins to tighten up the steering a bit. Wheeeeeeew...


Edited by dmoore
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