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Pete D

Tired 16 HP?

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Pete D

My '73 16 seems a bit tired.  It likes to stall under partial power.  Plug (NGK) looks fine, gap is ok 

I need to do a compression check & leak down test, but, short of an overhaul, is there anything else I can do?

Are valves adjustable on these?

I don't know it's history.

Also, it doesn't pull fuel well   i need to rebuild or replace the stock petcock.  Could that contribute?


Thanks in advance.  I'm a total WH neophyte, and I have no experience with 40 year-old Kohler engines.

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Pete D

Carb background

Edited by Pete D
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You cannot do a compression test on a  Kohler with ACR (automatic compression release) - the exhaust valve is kept off its seat.

A properly done leakdown test is the way to go. @squonk posted this procedure, in detail, a while back.

The valves are adjustable, unlike the 8 HP and less models.

Replace the petcock and disassemble the metal fuel pump. There may be debris holding the spring loaded valve disks from closing fully, giving poor fuel output.

Do check the condition of the air filter and fuel filter - replace as needed.


Edited by ri702bill
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Fuel delivery issues can well cause low power under load. Yes you need to do a leak down test. Your engine is 51 years old if original and if it has never been apart it's probably time for new rings and valves at a minimum. A leak down test will tell you the condition of them. Your best bet is to attend the Wheel Horse Collector's Club Big Show at the South Mountain Fairgrounds in June https://wheelhorseclub.com/  and pick up another engine. You can probably find a 12 or 14 HP engine fairly reasonable in decent shape that would bolt right in.



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Pete D

Thank you, both.

I replaced air & fuel filters about 8 - 10 hours ago, tops.

I will look for that procedure, and lookup the date of the show to add to my calendar before my wife makes plans for that time, like last year! 😅

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39 minutes ago, Pete D said:

Thank you, both.

I replaced air & fuel filters about 8 - 10 hours ago, tops.

I will look for that procedure, and lookup the date of the show to add to my calendar before my wife makes plans for that time, like last year! 😅

Fri , Sat after Father's Day June 20th and 21st

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Pete D

It's on the calendar, AND I sent my wife the flyer and said "I'm going"!


Is this squonk's post you were thinking of?



Edited by Pete D
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Yes. Locking the flywheel at TDC is crucial to getting an accurate test. The ACR is not active there. Add the air and listen where it leaks....

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While we’re on the subject, who has a simple creative way to lock the flywheel in position. Seems I’m usually trying to jury rig a way to hold it.

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14 minutes ago, oliver2-44 said:

While we’re on the subject, who has a simple creative way to lock the flywheel in position. Seems I’m usually trying to jury rig a way to hold it.


Depends on the style of flywheel.


I bet I could come up with something quickly.

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Pete D
1 hour ago, oliver2-44 said:

While we’re on the subject, who has a simple creative way to lock the flywheel in position. Seems I’m usually trying to jury rig a way to hold it.


How about a ratchet strap wrapped around the engine block, and across the "recoil assembly" for lack of a better term.

It shouldn't take much pressure to stop it from turning against air pressure.

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9 hours ago, Pete D said:

My '73 16 seems a bit tired.  It likes to stall under partial power.  Plug (NGK) looks fine, gap is ok 

I need to do a compression check & leak down test, but, short of an overhaul, is there anything else I can do?

Are valves adjustable on these?

Watch this, great video.


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Pete D

I found (and saved) that video this morning.

Very informative!

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I might clarify, I usually find myseltryi g to do it with engine in tractor and flywheel tin on. 

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You may benefit from adjusting the governor, as well as installing a spring between the governor arm and carb link. 


A rapid and slop-free governor response makes a great difference in engine load performance. 


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