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4 minutes ago, Mickwhitt said:

Well one Eric, that's a brilliant effort my friend. 

So pleased you have found a way that is working for you. 




Much appreciated Mick

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A progress report and some thoughts.


Again this is for my own memory.

As always.. comments, questions, suggestions, thoughts etc are welcome and encouraged. 


I want to thank at least a dozen of you for contacting me via PM or text. 

Your words have been incredibly helpful. 💜💜💜

 Purple hearts.... in memory of Qball. 



Intermittent Fasting is an INCREDIBLY MISUNDERSTOOD subject.

I recall when @Pullstart ran a thread that several of you/us brought it up as a very bad idea.

This is in fact -

The exact opposite of reality for MOST of us. 


I HIGHLY encourage you. Please. Do some research on the subject as a whole. 

For most humans it's a true game changer for positive health. 

The sequence of metabolic changes we experience while not taking in calories is arguably THE most helpful thing one can do to rebuild and recharge our systems.  


Again... for most. Not every person is capable (medical reasons).


A#1.  Define "Fast".  It isn't "starve".


The WAY we lose fat while fasting is very different from the accepted standards of simply cutting calories. 

For me, like many people, calorie reduction wasn't working well at all. Likely that's related to glucose and insulin levels and processes in my own system.  



Today's morning weigh in:

272.6 - 261.1  =  11.5 lbs removed. 


This is a full 4 weeks down. 


Yesterday (Friday) was a gym day so I added a Kind protein bar around 1 PM. 

At that point I'd been fasting for 19 hours.  


When we got home I had a half a protein shake for about 15, 17 grams of whey protein. 

Supper was a stir fry of mushrooms, zucchini and yellow squash in olive oil. Protein was cheese, chicken breast and a glass of milk. 


This past week I've done at least four days at 16 - 18 hours fasting. One a 24, a 23, and a 19. 


I'm seriously considering a couple "Extended fasts". That term describes a fast longer than 24 hours. 

There are incredibly helpful benefits of a fast at different levels/ hours past 24.. up to around 72 hours (or longer) depending on your current health status and end goals. 




Surprising (or not really) things I've found...

It's a long known issue that our RDA & ACTUAL nutritional needs do not line up. 

The food labels we read are based on "a 2000 calorie diet".   Of WHO??

An average.... OK. That's fine. But the masses tend to read into standards a little too literally... them ignore them anyway. Hence we have the Obesity Epidemic. Yes I capitalized that on purpose. The increasingly rotund size of our population is THE largest cause of health issues and medical costs. 

The 2000 calorie standards don't take into account male or female, race, activity level, what kind of activity etc...

Even at that the numbers are just wrong. 

Vitamin D for example. Research that for yourself...


The Food Pyramid...  IMHO is at best, an inaccurate misleading waste of time. 

There are many versions.

A lot of the pyramids should be flipped upside down THEN followed. 

I have yet to see one that reflects a good easy to understand account of a human intake. We are variable. 

I've learned in my reading that the Pyramid was actually NOT originally a recommendation FOR nutrition. 

It was a recommendation of foods to keep us alive during food SHORTAGES. 




Protein recommendations and requirements are another somewhat misunderstood subject. 

Unfortunately we have way too many incorrect/misleading personalities online and on TV trying to make a fortune by telling people stretched truths and outright falsehoods that we WANT to believe rather than the actual reality. 

Some of these are a simple matter of flexibility in requirements. Some are people who are preaching their own beliefs and/ or experiences with little to no regard for others. 


Do your OWN research. Please. 


My conclusions for MY needs:

My protein needs will vary a lot between fasting periods and exercise periods. When I say exercise periods I mean whatever day(s) I'm moving more than average vs not. 


Fasting periods. 100 grams per day. 

Exercising/ gym periods. 200 +/- grams per day. 



I'll keep the weight loss phase going as long as I can. 

I'm pretty well wrapped into the daily routine...... for now.  It's a struggle sometimes.  

My goal is 1.5 lbs lost per week. 

I'm setting at over 2 lbs per week loss. 


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Keep it up man!  You’re killing it!  As for the 24 hour plus fasts, after 24 hours is when the body really kicks in over the mind and starts feeling good.  I’m proud of you.

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5 minutes ago, Pullstart said:

Keep it up man!  You’re killing it!  As for the 24 hour plus fasts, after 24 hours is when the body really kicks in over the mind and starts feeling good.  I’m proud of you.


Thanks mister. 


I find the hunger goes away completely around hour 20, 21. 

That. Is. Very. Weird. 


I've never experienced this in my life.  



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1 hour ago, ebinmaine said:


Thanks mister. 


I find the hunger goes away completely around hour 20, 21. 

That. Is. Very. Weird. 


I've never experienced this in my life.  



We were built to hunt and gather and eat when we had food.  We were raised to eat three square meals a day, like kings and queens.

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4 minutes ago, Pullstart said:

.  We were raised ....


With all our food intake ideals reversed.  

Too bad.  

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Today's plan:
My last food was 6 PM yesterday. 
16 hours was 10 AM. 
Between 17 and 20 is the part when one feels crappy because of the chemical changeover. 
2 to 3 PM I should start feeling better. 
If I feel OK around 4, I'll continue to fast until I feel crappy again or tomorrow.. or more. 

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Sunday morning weigh in. 




13.3 lbs down. 




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Your goal was 1.5 lbs per week.  How you been averaging?  Pretty soon the Maine trail cams will capture BBT bench pressing a little bear!

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3 minutes ago, Pullstart said:

Your goal was 1.5 lbs per week.  How you been averaging?  


At 13.3 lbs in just over 4 weeks that's a little more than 3 lbs per week. 


So... double the initial goal.  



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I fasted just shy of 47 hours. My decision to feed was based on me trying to get things done and having pretty limited energy. 

Tomorrow being a good sized truck load for me I really need the liveliness back.  

I'll keep to the 16/8 or so fasting and very limited calories for a few weeks.  

Quite likely do a few 24 hour ones too.  


One. Meal. A. Day.  




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Start new job tomorrow with health insurance day one! 2018 chevy 2500hd crewcab work truck in the driveway already! Back to health:

Anxiety up becuz new job, but mood stability is doing well!

I'm considering a home gymn used or cheap

Bowflex? Used to have 1 liked it


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6 hours ago, 2drxploder said:

Start new job tomorrow with health insurance day one! 2018 chevy 2500hd crewcab work truck in the driveway already! Back to health:

Anxiety up becuz new job, but mood stability is doing well!





6 hours ago, 2drxploder said:

I'm considering a home gymn used or cheap

Bowflex? Used to have 1 liked it



Welcome aboard!!

As @Pullstart might say...



Strength training is a HUGE help for overall well being. 

Whether we like it or not,  cardio is THE weapon against being outta shape. 

Treadmill.  Elliptical. Whatever your favorite flavor is. 

Get one you can STICK TO and use it as often as practically possible. 

I definitely struggle with that one. I'm not a fan of machines. 

Better yet.... get outside and walk around!!


The anxiety and mood are DEFINITELY improved with exercise. 



For us here it's gonna be all about the mountain  hiking this year... with a good mix of trail bicycle riding. 


Tractor and most other projects will be taking a back burner to health. 



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@2drxploder feeling good again is a great feeling!  You totally got this!  EB is gonna hafta start adding weight to his skidder Horse so he don’t fall off the mountain!  

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Fitness update.


I lost weight by semi-aggressive fasting on purpose so that I would lose the visceral fat around my organs faster.


That has really paid off.


The pants I am wearing right now, I have had to leave the pocket unzipped or they would not be comfortable driving. Today I have the pocket zipped up and I'm perfectly happy about it.

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I do 45 minutes everyday on treadmill.  Some light lifting too.  I really hate missing a day.  I sleep much better working out everyday.  I'm down 40lbs from a year ago.  I do some fasting but cutting out any sugar drinks and just drinking water is what made the weight fall off for me.

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2 hours ago, stvski80085 said:

I do 45 minutes everyday on treadmill.  Some light lifting too.  I really hate missing a day.  I sleep much better working out everyday.  I'm down 40lbs from a year ago.  I do some fasting but cutting out any sugar drinks and just drinking water is what made the weight fall off for me.




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This past week I've stayed at about 259, 260 for several days. 


I was quite tired the first half of the week. Ate some extra calories throughout the week.  


I've received a few supplements to use including fiber, electrolytes and vitamins. 

This weekend I'll do two 24 hour fasts at minimum. Perhaps a 36. 




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Pete D

Hey folks,

For those of you with android phones, check this out .  I find the graph to be really encouraging and motivating.



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I’m down to 230 and I’m 6’2.  About another 10 lbs and I will weigh what I did in highschool weight lifting senior year.

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Saturday was interesting to me. 

I did ok fasting for about 18 hours plus+ ..

In the afternoon I was not exactly what I'd call hungry but definitely craving rich foods. 

I decided to listen to that and had some extra protein that day. 

Last intake was a Kind bar at 9 pm. 


Sunday I did perfectly fine fasting All the way through until around 18 hours. I had a but of cheese and later a small meal of turkey breast, taters, and broccoli. All unseasoned.


This Monday morning I'm setting at 259.9. 


Ready for the day. 



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272.6 - 258  = 14.6 lbs down.  


This past week I've been fasting 18 to 19 hours per day since Sunday. 


That seems to be my current best case scenario.  

Good energy. Good metabolism. 

Little to no hunger. 


9.4 lbs to go at first goal weight of 24 lbs lost by Memorial Day. 



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Fantastic effort mate!


It's amazing how our diet has changed from when we were trundling round working to find stuff to eat to now when stuff to eat is thrust at us 24/7.


Caveman diet is definitely the way to go.





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4 hours ago, Mickwhitt said:

Fantastic effort mate!


It's amazing how our diet has changed from when we were trundling round working to find stuff to eat to now when stuff to eat is thrust at us 24/7.


Caveman diet is definitely the way to go.







There are essential fats/oils. 

There are essential amino acids from protein. 


There are NO essential carbs of any type. None. 


But yet we're told to use carbs as the literal base for our entire nutritional needs. 


No. Just no.  


Veggies. Fine. 

Limited fruits. Also fine. 

Bread. Pasta. Cereals. All bad. 

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22 hours ago, ebinmaine said:

Bread. Pasta. Cereals. All bad. 

My wife still bakes 2 loafs of Sourdough Bread twice a week. 4 loaves). Then she gives it to neighbors or takes it to work. Says we don’t need it. I tell her she’s being a



No brownie points for me!

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