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Help with Snow/Dozer Blade ID

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@larryk1 Has an ad in wanted for a blade and I can get him this one real easy. 


Guy was leaving the Burnett show one year and had this on his trailer with some other red gold. Said if nobody wanted it it was going to scrap. 'Bout dropped my adult beverage when he said the s word. Offered him for it I have no idea why. Between @Achto and I we prolly got enough to make a couple.  


Larry wants to put a blade on his 312-8 and would be nice if we can be somewhat sure it would work for him.


First the bad new Larry it's only a 42 incher.


Now I know next to nothing about blades but the good news is from what I can tell everything is there less a trip to the hardware store.  You blade pros tell me. 

No idea on the year or model. would there be a tag on it somewhere? Measures out for a long frame. 


Not the best pics but here goes.... 








This bracket was on the side and I had first though it was PO thing but now not so sure. Guessing to move the lever out to clear the floor board? It has the triangle plate for the plunger on it. 




This was definitely a PO thing . Possibly to run it on a 520 swept axle?? 

Definitely reversible if not wanted. Maybe grind a few tack welds off? Shouldn't be too difficult for a guy with you wrenches Larry. 


BTW the scraper blade is definitely shot but easy replacement. 




Edited by WHX??
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Should be one of these and they could be identical. The model number format changed.

1966-1967 model BD-426 - Fits LONG frame tractors - Mounts ahead of the rear axle - replaced by

1968 model 6-1111 - Fits LONG frame tractors - Mounts ahead of the rear axle


The models that followed would fit both short and long frame tractors.

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If it was originally a short frame blade lengthened 

1962 model BD-4262 - Fits SHORT frame tractors - Mounts ahead of the rear axle

1963 model BD-4263 - Fits SHORT frame tractors - Mounts ahead of the rear axle

1964 model BD-4264 - Fits SHORT frame tractors - Mounts ahead of the rear axle

1965-1966 model BD-4264A - Fits SHORT frame tractors - Mounts ahead of the rear axle

1967 model BD-4267 - Fits SHORT frame tractors - Mounts ahead of the rear axle - May be identical to 6-2111 - Model number format change

1968 model 6-2111 - Fits SHORT frame tractors - Mounts ahead of the rear axle - May be identical to BD-4267 - Model number format change

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There you go again stepping over dollars for some dimes Uncle Jim… :lol:

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peter lena

@WHX??  looks solid , and most important to me is the OPPORTUNITY  TO DETAIL  IN THE  SWING QUADRANT  , SET UP ! I put the plow / frame up on  milk crates , like to have a penetrating  oil spray down going on , on that  rusty / chalky  paint , as it soaks  in , a perfect darkened patina , might show it self , like the crates , one iat back of frame , the other up front just before , the quadrant , use this reference  for the improvement areas . like a roller stool on a hard floor  to redo these , lets you see before and after , suspended on crates , thats exactly how  how it will work on the tractor  !  remember , steering quadrant spring ,  controls  entire top squeeze lever , and related pull rod , squeeze should have , no play in it , snug / lubricated every step , shoulder bolts , no thread on swing point , enhances movement , then washer it up to perfect smooth tension , and elastic Lok nut , to hold the perfect  transfer of  pull, like red aerosol grease , would also mineral oil down the blade face , ?  snow slide off , piece of cake , pete


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