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filter for sundstrand (D-auto)

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the WH part # is 102819 which crosses to wix #51521....but this has a bypass valve, which i think you do not want on these hydro units?

i have read where wix #51410 is the filter to use...it has no bypass. is this the correct filter? i presume it is the better choice as the wix site states that it is a hydraulic filter while the other is just a spin-on lube filter.



edit: i meant this to be in the tranny section! if mods can move it, please do.

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fram ph7328

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wix 51410 is correct (NAPA Gold 1410) is correct. I would go with this over the Fram for sure. Napa tried to give me 1521 too when they crossed referenced.

I recently learned that the reason you do NOT want a filter with a by pass is that any dirt is harmful to the hydro. The by pass is a safety that will allow oil flow if the filter gets clogged. I was told better to let the unit get oil starved for a while that to let dirt flow by. If the filter is clogged and the oil just by passes you wont even know dirt is flowing though the system.

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thanks, that's what i thought, but just wanted to be sure i had the correct non-bypass filter.

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73-18 automatic

If you have or know someone that has a Amsoil account I found a hydraulic filter by Donaldson P550210 Let me know if you need any help :scratchead:

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