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Awesome that is pretty good progress in a couple hours!!

I want to get a round hood one day. 

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Nice - even has the rare "toolbox" bin the size of a U1 Battery. I still have mine from the 502...

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Good luck with the 633 I just got the motor rebuild on the 753 two months ago and my first time to drive it was the Christmas parade in November it runs so good 

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There goes my diet... again... :lol:

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Just out of curiosity, Why trade for essentially the same tractor? 

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6 minutes ago, squonk said:

Why trade for essentially the same tractor? 


@Chrishar did not want a pull start, I wanted a 633.




Edited by Achto
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2 hours ago, squonk said:

trade for essentially the same tractor? 

Sides he may get another 753 someday ... :lol:


5 hours ago, Chrishar said:

drive it was the Christmas parade in November it runs so good 

And we know this happened because the the pics are where???:D

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11 hours ago, SylvanLakeWH said:



There goes my diet... again... :lol:


Yep. Me too.  



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3 minutes ago, ebinmaine said:


Yep. Me too.  



Ya know... it's been 21 hours... :confusion-confused:


What's @Achto doin'??? :angry-tappingfoot:

New curd delivery???


I'm gonna get fat at this pace... 

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1 hour ago, SylvanLakeWH said:

Ya know... it's been 21 hours... :confusion-confused:


What's @Achto doin'??? :angry-tappingfoot:


Po-boys gotta work ya know, I only get to be a "weekend warrior wrench". :lol: Sides with temps reaching a high of 1f today & dipping to -18f tonight it don't really pay to heat the shop up for a couple hours.


Sit back, relax, munch on some meat & cheese, there will be up dates this weekend. :thumbs2:

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On 1/20/2025 at 6:15 AM, squonk said:

Just out of curiosity, Why trade for essentially the same tractor? 

Because I had the 701 702 854 I just wanted to have all four generations so I need it get 753 to complete the set and my arm could not pull that rope anymore so that's why I did it 

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Lane Ranger

My brother David bought this 633 about 15 years ago for $60.  It had a bad motor so we decided to put a Kohler 8 hp recoil start in it .  I used this for mowing with a front reel mower and plowing snow in the winter.



i love the way this machine handles.  Yes we still have this and glad to see you working on one of these Dan! 

They are one of the really good round hood models! 






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On 1/26/2025 at 8:19 PM, Achto said:

Now on to some tractor stuff. :D First off take care of the previous repairs that were done to the 3/4" foot rest bar. Not poo pooing the repair, it kept the tractor in service. Not sure what happened to render the need for the pipe welded over the right hand side.



Guessing the left side must have broken free of the frame.



That is pretty crazy to need those kind of repairs unless you are solidly hitting stuff with the foot bars I wouldn't think there would be that much stress on them. Especially being a 3/4 bar that is pretty thick metal to just bend. 

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On 1/26/2025 at 7:19 PM, Achto said:

After that repair I still had some time to degrease and blast a few parts.



All the excitement that I have to share for this weekend. :)

What’s the deal @Achto  Your holding out on us. No rubbing in our face how great it is to blast and not have to wait for the compressor to catch upon!  

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On 1/26/2025 at 8:19 PM, Achto said:

added some gussets

 Nicely done. 

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Handy Don
31 minutes ago, Achto said:

You just keep on hammerin' along

My heart bleeds for you. :hide:

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9 minutes ago, Handy Don said:

My heart bleeds for you. :hide:





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Weekend update... :)


Sand blasting reviled a little surprise on one of the fenders.



Drilled holes at the end of the cracks in preparation for repair.



After the repair.



If you look at the top of the fender, you can see line where the seat was rubbing on it.




Nothing worse than doing a resto on a round hood and then having the seat rub through your new paint job. To remedy this I make a lift kit to put under the seat. It's only 1/2" thick but that's all it takes to keep the seat off the fenders. 

The spacer I made for under the seat.



The peg drops in one hole to keep it from spinning.



At the end of the weekend I have everything that would fit in the blast cabinet cleaned up. It took almost as long to blast the rear rims as it took to blast all the other pieces combined. :unsure: Note - only thing that would not fit was the frame.:thumbs2:



The gas tank and recoil starter would have fit in the blast cabinet but I chose to not blast them. Didn't want sand intrusion in either of them. Instead I chose to strip them with a DA sander.



Even sprayed a little paint today, very little but it still counts.:lol:



Would be nice to do some painting next weekend but I don't think that will be in the cards, as I have other engagements.:( Might still have time to get something done though.:handgestures-fingerscrossed:

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On 1/28/2025 at 11:47 AM, Achto said:

You just keep on hammerin' along:tools-hammerdrill:

My back hurts just watching ... :lol:


On 1/28/2025 at 1:07 PM, Achto said:

125psi non-stop at the blaster.

Should only need 90 at the blaster??


1 hour ago, Achto said:

would not fit was the frame

Heard tell I think it was @Shynon tape a garbage bag over the open door to get the frame in. 


1 hour ago, Achto said:

gas tank and recoil starter would have fit in the blast cabinet 


I've blasted tanks before with no problems duct tape over the bung and plug the drain. 701 tank went through with no problems.

Recoil no unless completely disassembled. 

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47 minutes ago, WHX?? said:

My back hurts just watching


Back used to hurt after standing in front of the blast cabinet for extended periods of time. We raised the blast cabinet up on 4x4's. Game changer ! Much more comfortable now, plus the 4x4's added a raised point to put your one foot on.



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