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peter lena

nice tube bender

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peter lena

https://www.supplyhouse.com/Hilmor-Tools-1839027-TC1412-Tri-Tube-Bender-for-1-4-3-8-1-2?utm_source=criteo&utm_medium=retargeting&utm_campaign=similaraudience&utm_id=318866&cto_pld=xF6aG3-LAADqsIu3S7BwNQ#tblciGiAyweEbkaO5HmsHWsOq94Uft-2exCZw-iXlxpLGaapNTSDwjE4opbLfw_iOs--cATC0_14   like the  tubing size range , great for hydraulic  make ups , also notice the prominent lower vise mounting area  , we always had a ridgid tube bender in a vise , the solid mechanical advantage  of a solid  tube bender , makes quick work  of  irregular  set ups , think a lot of  hydro  tractors , tubing should used in tight bend   areas  , and going to , hose in easier mount areas , used to make up control boards , with pneumatic  lines to  brass / bronze , switches , once you start using a bender , in a vise , makes quick work of any bends , you always have the  easy leverage advantage , pete 

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I am a big fan of tubing benders. Have 4 gear benders and 4 lever benders. When I worked in a chemical plant I did control panels on occasion with stainless steel. Most bending was with copper tubing. Back in the 80's I could buy  20' footers of BT [ BENDING TEMPER]  tubing. Of course that went away. Type L still bends up pretty nice. Makes for a quality, professional job, but takes a long time to become good at it when doing many bends on one 10 or 20 'lengths of tube.

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peter lena

@JCM   at PFIZER  most of our  metals were  S/S  food grade everything  , or PFAUDLER GLASS LINED TANKS  , did a few days at their NY plant , basic tank make ups , then spray in glass powder , bake in ceiling ovens , till see thru hot . we used all the available food grade alloys , at the plant , still have some  , wish I had gotten more !  agree with the , time it takes to learn how to apply your bend to available line . instrument tech , worked with would limit , start point gauge  s/s tubing to 5 ft  lengths , so it was easier to  see how its coming along , then once out of the bundle area behind panel board , then on it was pretty straight . working in a area shop gang , we could be into anything. also did a lot of alloy metal work , we had scrap dumpsters for everything all over the plant , lots of pyrex , piping also , started in the synthetic caffeine shop , then lucked out , for steady days , in engineering , pete     

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  On 1/11/2025 at 12:26 AM, JCM said:

tubing benders


  On 1/10/2025 at 11:32 PM, peter lena said:

tube bender



I've used this type for many years. 




They take some patience and strength to manage.  




As I age and can't/ don't wanna do certain things anymore I've switched to Lenox Brand like these. 






Mine are an NOS set I picked up a few years ago.  

Absolutely excellent tool. 

Definitely a game changer.  



'Bout time I got a matching tubing cutter...





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Now you can start making up all your brake lines for that blue truck. Get under there and get all your measurements and make a diagram of them and you can bend them up in the living room this Winter next to the wood stove and label them all. Get a jump start. Or, do like I did and order a complete set of stainless steel lines brake and fuel lines from Classic Tube in New York. Those went into the Chevy square body truck restoration. Sounds to me you have plenty to do this year.   :confusion-confused:      :thumbs:

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  On 1/11/2025 at 11:13 AM, JCM said:

Now you can start making up all your brake lines for that blue truck. Get under there and get all your measurements and make a diagram of them and you can bend them up in the living room this Winter next to the wood stove and label them all. Get a jump start. Or, do like I did and order a complete set of stainless steel lines brake and fuel lines from Classic Tube in New York. Those went into the Chevy square body truck restoration. Sounds to me you have plenty to do this year.   :confusion-confused:      :thumbs:


We always do. :lol:


My Ford was built from the ground up around 2000 or so. 

Brake and fuel lines were new then so they're in excellent condition. 


However... I will need new fuel lines when I change the engine over from a single barrel carb to a 4 barrel.  


Aannddd......   while we're talking about loooong term projects....

I'll need the bender and cutter for Colossus too. 

That'll have a copper oil guage line and a steel fuel line.  




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  On 1/11/2025 at 1:34 AM, ebinmaine said:

tubing cutter


@JCM @peter lena


I ordered this vintage piece from a place right near here in Cape Neddick Maine. Part of the town of York. 


Lotsa years ago I used one just like this.  





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That cutter is probably fine for non professional use. I prefer the Ridgid cutters from Plumbing and Heating supply houses. They take a wicked beating for years and years with an occasional cutter wheel change.With parts to rebuild if needed.  IMHO

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  On 1/11/2025 at 12:36 PM, JCM said:

That cutter is probably fine for non professional use. I prefer the Ridgid cutters from Plumbing and Heating supply houses. They take a wicked beating for years and years with an occasional cutter wheel change.With parts to rebuild if needed.  IMHO



This one has a replaceable cutting wheel as well. 

I'll likely never use it enough to get there though.  



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peter lena

@ebinmaine  @JCM  , took me a while  to learn how to work with a , VISE MOUNTED  TUBING BENDER , all of your FREE HAND movement is gone , but that loss is again , in TOTAL ABILITY  TO GET WHAT YOU WANT , WITH SOLID LEVERAGE ADVANTAGE . thats the trade off , vise hold the  , lower level  of the bender , thats total leverage advantage  , to the upper , slide / wheel , your physical  awkward  attempt is removed , you have to have , a solid base bend point against , the swing  arm , experiment with , junk tubing first , that will let you see and feel how you are doing , instrument tech  easily corrected my  one size fits all approach , to  difficult bends , with bender held in vise , been looking for  a related site , its so easy , with half the bender , lower jaw held in vise , free  upper swing  arm , makes it look stupid easy . getting some very light snow now , slept 12 hours ,  pete

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peter lena

@ JCM   found it  , just put it on FORUM  SITE . PETE 

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When working in the field most of the time was using the bender on the floor kneeling down, that's just how the trades are. Not exactly a controlled environment. When working In Industrial environments I had a little bit of equipment to rely on. Don't miss much of that.

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Ed Kennell

These  Imperial Eastman tubing tools have served me well for many years.  Probably time to give them to son Mike.




This little IMP cutter has come in handy many times.



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Imperial - Eastman, great quality. I started out with those spring benders, never really had a lot luck with those.

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  On 1/11/2025 at 6:20 PM, JCM said:

 spring benders, never really had a lot luck with those.


Same here.  

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  On 1/11/2025 at 12:20 PM, ebinmaine said:


@JCM @peter lena


I ordered this vintage piece from a place right near here in Cape Neddick Maine. Part of the town of York. 


Lotsa years ago I used one just like this.  





Vintage you say. Still working hard! That big cutter was my Grandfathers! (I'm 70)


Edited by Wayne0
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I see that the General No. 120 is still available but it is now made in China.  If anyone wants a good old one they can be found on the popular auction site.

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  On 1/11/2025 at 10:32 PM, lynnmor said:

I see that the General No. 120 is still available but it is now made in China.  If anyone wants a good old one they can be found on the popular auction site.




Where I got mine.  


I buy vintage tools and supplies whenever possible and practical.  



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