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Need picture XI single stage blower

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If anyone has an XI series with a single stage blower, I could really use a picture of the mule drive pulleys and mounts. 

I kept having my belt pop off, and realized both mule drive pulley brackets are bent and need to see how much I need to bend them back. too bad I didn’t notice in summer when I rebuilt it. 😄





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These drawings are usually very accurate.

My guess is the flat idler requires most of the correction.


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peter lena

@WNYPCRepair  merry christmas ! your call out on on mule drive and related pulleys , are a relatively easy , removal , and service , typically the lubrication fails and causes related drag issues to any belt driven area . like a small pocket flat screwdriver , or very small flat putty knife , for easy side seal removal , wipe out , flush with carb cleaner , like a 550 deg flash point chassis grease , lucas , green , that belt set up gets quite hot / stressed , from every rotational point , its the COLLECTIVE DRAG  , of  spindles , idler pulleys , that  creates the issue , ironically  every time you engage your  pto drive , its telling you of how easily , or not your entire set up is moving, while I do not have your set up , the basics , still apply , my decks move , easily by hand , at the pto belt drive start area , no squealing , no rough spots , engagement is smooth / easy . don  a lot of functional detailing on every movement spot , my tractor supply belts have no fraying , cracks / splits , telling me its moving as it should , pete 

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9 hours ago, gwest_ca said:

These drawings are usually very accurate.

My guess is the flat idler requires most of the correction.



yea the flat idler appears to be bent to the left about 1/2”. The other pulley is just slightly bent. 

I was just hoping for a good picture so I didn’t bend it too far back. 

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peter lena

@WNYPCRepair  you probably will not be able  or recommended to attempt to straighten out any pulley or rotational part , once that angular rotation starts , its violent action will  only  help to tear up the rest of the movement cycle . would go on line and look up , hopefully  a movement look see to your unit , found a couple of your set up , unfortunately  none of the rotational movement set up needed . you need a how to replace pulley  /  related video . am only familiar  with the older style / type , completely  different set up , pete     

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Handy Don
On 12/24/2024 at 12:47 PM, WNYPCRepair said:

both mule drive pulley brackets are bent and need to see how much I need to bend them back.

Ease of manufacture (both in fabrication and quality assurance) would lead me to strongly suggest that both of those arms should be at 90º from their respective shafts. both appear bent to me. 

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