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Andrew hastie

Standing a 270H up on its rear

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Andrew hastie

Seen this on a you tube video on how to change drive belt. Is it okay to stand the machine up on its rear? Surely fuel and oil and maybe even hydro fluid runs out if drain holes and breathers etc? It would be very convenient if I could do this to replace the belt. 

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953 nut


Was the video of a Wheel Horse 270 Model?

I have never owned a 200 Series Wheel Horse but have serviced a few others makes by lifting the front end. The first thing you need to do is carefully examine where fluids would be when the unit is lifted. If the fuel filler and oil fill points would not be facing downward. and the engine cylinders and fuel components would be facing upward you should be OK. I would definitely remove the battery before raising the front up.

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