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Farmer Dan

518H Electrical Issue?

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Farmer Dan

Good afternoon, thank you all in advance for any help you may be able to provide. I have a 518H that the main 30 amp fuse holder burned up on. I replaced the fuse holder with a new heavier one and installed a new fuse. I'm not sure if I shorted something out (I know I should have disconnected the battery but I was trying to be careful and cheat. None of the lights or gauges work now. I did check the stator and voltage regulator according to the directions I found on line and they both appear to be working properly. I'm not sure where to go go from here or what else to check. The lights on the dash work when I press the test button but seem to be dimmer than usual?? The tractor will start and run and I have not had to charge the battery yet and I have used it to cut the grass numerous times so I'm not sure what is going on. Thanks again for any guidance.

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@Farmer Dan




Take a good look at your 9 pin engine connector, these are often an issue. The terminals are prone to water intrusion and corrosion.


Here is a manual with a wire diagram to help you along as well.


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953 nut

There is also a 10 Amp fuse with that protects the wiring to your light and volt meter etc.


Garry beat me to the guide.



Edited by 953 nut

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