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New to me snowblower

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Got this snowblower for a pretty good deal I think. It was $125.

Getting it tuned up for winter, flipped the scraper blade and got new stainless hardware for it. And Adjusted the shoes to keep the blade slightly off the ground might have to adjust those more once I start using it.

Adjusted the chain tension. 

And going to weld a tab on the flag rod to match the factory spring assist lift. Since mine doesn't have that and I don't have any hydraulic lift tractors. 


Is there anything you guys use to coat the inside area of the blower and the chute? 









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peter lena

 @AlexR lots of things to make it run/ operate better https://www.google.com/search?q=snow+blower+spray+walmart&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS866US866&oq=snow+blower+spray&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCAgDEAAYFhg , inside chute spray , you can also , make up ,  snow slide  , PLASTIC AND MAKE UP A CHUTE BOTTON SLIDE GASKET . silicone spray , swings with ease , also note blower drive belt , pulley frame set up enhance lubrication on pulleys and pulley frame . use , chain / cable spray , on drive chain , napa has that MACS BRAND ,1/2" deflexion on chain ,adjust at same side drive bottom . use adjustable wrench on the auger center bends , easy to bend back , with adjustable wrench . had a couple of those , detail in lubrication , and drive belt set up from engine , makes for very easing running , had it up on a 4x4 off floor , for easy mounting , lift arm , has an inside hole on pick up point , helps in  lifting , get some mineral oil on that paint , wipe it down , looks better , pete

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Anyone have good pictures of where/how that lift assist spring is attached on the flag and the tractor?

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8 minutes ago, JimSraj said:

Anyone have good pictures of where/how that lift assist spring is attached on the flag and the tractor?



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Alexa, thanks for the quick response. I’ve seen that picture before but I guess I’m a little dense but I can’t make out where and how the eyebolt is  inserted. Is there something welded to the flag or top of the tube the bolt goes through?

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