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257-H No Forward or Reverse

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So, today I finally got to where I could & very much need to get this !989 257-H ( Number Plate reads:  2217KE02     45561 ) under way. Hooked up a battery to it & starter was not cooperating. Tore the starter all apart. cleaned the Comutator, brushes & about 30 years worth of snot, dust & grime from the spiral splines.... got things moving freely again & well it took right off like it should. Starts & runs like a top. Bigest problem is no Forward or reverse.... started to take things apart to inverstigate & ran out of daylight....I Noticed the fan for the Transmission is jammed up against the right side of the frame ... I wonder if this got hit by something bigger than the tractor or it may have taken a fall off a trailer or truck tail gate or maybe even rolled over. I doubt the roll over because i woud expect more damages to be apparent.... who knows...? I have heard there is an easy fix fir the Hydrostatic Transmissions but I forget where I read it... The Keys for both axels are in their keyways & the left wheel is hangin' on for dear life so gonna rig up a pulling bracket in the morning to remove the wheel. the right came off no problem but thrre's always 1 that has to be a challenge aint there? I atatched a picture of the fan up against the frame it is not the best photograhpy  but I really thiMk it needs to move back about 3/8 of an inch to move freely.... more tomorrow

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953 nut

The fan is attached to the transmission input shaft, if it won't turn the transmission isn't going to go forward or backward.

7 hours ago, BBQVultureWings said:

the fan for the Transmission is jammed up against the right side of the frame ... I wonder if this got hit by something bigger than the tractor or it may have taken a fall off a trailer or truck tail gate or maybe even rolled over. I doubt the roll over because i woud expect more damages to be apparent.... who knows...?

:confusion-confused:            Tell us a bit more, what is and isn't bent?

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well..... nothing looks bent. 1 thing for sure is the U bolt for the left side axle tube is definitely Not the original. i loosened the nuts on both sides a bit & nudged the Transmission over to the left a bit ( about 1/4 inch to give the fan some clearance. Now the right axle will spin but not the left. I don't Know SHEE-IT about Hydrostatic Drives. I assume it is not getting fluid to that side or it is low or obstructed or all of the above.... Checked the big clear plastic resivior & it is full but its old dirty oil in there So i thiMk changing the fluid would be a good start. The Tractor came with a Spare transmission, a mower deck, a snowblower atatchment & all the brackets n belts to run it. So given the amount of stuck the left wheel has in it's little heart.... I am thiMking I will reove the transmission & Take it to my friends place where I have access to a larger Hydraulic press for such situations...While I have it out I might as well drain it, clean it, flush it out good & maybe even rebuild 1 of them for now so I have a place to start from.... when I have time I can rebuild the other....  I wonder now if  it got hit on the left side & broke the U bolt & probably damaged the transmission.... pure speculation but it would certainly explain some things.... Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.. 

Thank You All. Be back later

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So, upon further inspection, The left rear side of the frame is pushed in a little (1/4"-3/8") so I do belive there has been some collision or other impact. I definitely need a new fan for the transmission, a new Drive belt wouldn't hurt either. I understrand that this is a 35 year old machine. That means lots of things need attention. Belts, maybe a few pulleys, some wiring as the headlights don't work. fluids, tires the basic old age woes of this sort of thing .... I decided to pull the transmission so I can take it to to my friend's place where he has a large press to get the left rerar wheel off as I will be purchasing new tires. I prefer to have things in workable order so when I need to take a wheel off for whatever reason, it is not a major, miserable, monumental event... 

So while I have it off, I will be rebuilding it. I have a very significantly steep driveway & I need a machine that is in good to peak condition ready to go, not 1 that just barley makes it.

more tomorrow I'm tired n my hair hurts


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drained the transmission....off to my friends place ... may the (Hydraulic ) Force be with MooWah...

After much Cussin' n Discussin', We will be fighting with this tomorrow evening.... hopefully good news then....

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Looks like it is gonna be torch action to remove this wheel. The whole assembly will Not fit in the press so we tried fabricating a puller with 3/4" plate steel & even threaded the center hole same as any puller would operate. The bolts started to deform the rim. there's a ton of pressure loaded onto this thing so time for more drastic measures. After plenty of Cussin' n discussion, It is gonna be the cutting torch. may have to destroy this rim but it isn't like we can't get a new 1. Hopefully I will be under way with the next steps of this project Monday evening. I am looking for wheel weights if anyone knows where I might find some really cool inner & outer weights for the 12 inch rims....

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