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wheel horse 520H Why does the tachometer not work when engines is running, but only moves when you turn the key meaning just jumps… if anybody could help me with this situation thank you  

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It is not receiving a signal from the A/C output of the charging coil.  My 520H does that when it loses connectivity in a wire connector.  I'd be checking your 9-pin connector and any other link in that circuit.  

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I’m thinking maybe the piggyback connector to the I believe the B on the voltage regulator looks like it may be cracked and not getting a proper solid connection. 
that would cause the problem correct? 

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The B terminal is DC battery voltage.  Tachometer signal comes from either of the A or AC terminals and is alternating current.  You need to verify connectivity of the tachometer to the A terminal.

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The tach signal comes from only one of the AC terminals. If one does not work try the other.

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I will be looking into that tomorrow thank you

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