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C-175 mower deck on a Raider 12?

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In looking at the parts assemblies for the C-175 and Raider 12's 48" mower deck they appear to have near identical layouts although not listed in the 'Models that use this part'. Is there anything in particular that would keep it from fitting on a Raider 12?

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TonyToro Jr.

Raiders 12s don’t have front attach a Matics  so you can’t put the mule drive onto the 

Raider 12.

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I'll have to look into the differing connections. The mower deck I was looking at is in the picture. Can't find much info on if it'll connect. Parts tree had a very similar layout for the Raider 12


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That looks like a Raider deck one came with my Raider !2.  I took mine off to haul it home and decided not to used it. 

I did install he required hitches for the later model decks but found my Raider 12 was too low on power to handle a .42" deck


Edited by Lee1977

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The old Raider 12 has the side mule drive on it.  All you need to do is mount a front mule drive to the tractor...then you can use the C-175 deck...  maybe have to get new belt.  Here is my self-made UPGRADE .pdf file to show you what/how to do this.  Takes about an hour. 199975284_PLATE(15).JPG.77bb7330b653c5b9d66243abe554797f.JPG MULE DRIVE UPGRADE DETAIL.pdf

Edited by daveoman1966

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953 nut


Once you have the side mounted mule drive properly adjusted they work fine. The photo you have of the deck seems to have all the needed hardware for a Raider mounting but it doesn't appear to be from a C-175. By 1981 when the C-175 was built they had gone to the front Tach-A-Matic and Mule Drive for decks.


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