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horseman with no horse

seamless onan swap

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horseman with no horse

my buddy stuck a p216 and its stock adapter plate from his 416-h onto his 1973 no name and it fit like a dream with the hood. since then ive tried this myself with my 1965 855 and its pretty much impossible to get the hood to fit with an onan. does anyone have a list of models that will fit an onan from p218-p220 size that will fit with a hood? im trying to replicate the build but im too scared to buy another horse and it not fit with the hood. i just want a complete looking build. does anyone have onan swapping experience that can help me out?

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I can't offer a specific lost but the 655 and 73 are certainly two very different setups going strictly by size. 


My Trina has several mid 60s SHORT FRAME small square hoods like that. 

I have several mid 70s LONG FRAME large square hoods. 

The extra few inches each direction is clear. 

We can get actual measurements later if that would be helpful. 

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953 nut

Most 1967 and newer :wh:  will be a long frame and have the higher hood stand. Fuel tank and battery location will need to be considered, under seat tanks weren't used until the late 1970s and the battery was located behind the engine so alternate locations will need to be considered.

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