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By Oldskool
Hey guys I have been given a box of these flap wheels.
5.25" x 1.5" with a 1" arbor hole.
I instantly thought great I can put one on my bench grinder.
Nope! Not that simple.
The arbor size is different, and it's to wide to fit inside the the guard.
I thought of removing the guard but would like to have it there.
I guess I could make an arbor adapter and a spacer for the guard,and a new tool rest,etc. More time involved then first thought.
Does anyone use these, and if so what do you have it on?
By Oldskool
Let's see your view from your workplace "window". I know some are driving truck,or tractor, work in shops/offices or outdoors. What is it that surrounds you during your work day?
By Oldskool
I've had some stuff laying around for a while now. I've had some ideas kicking around my head for a while as well.
Well they met each other a few days ago.
This is going to be a camp buggy of sorts.
Like any of my other builds I would appreciate any input anyone want to donate.
The base is an 1982-88 Yamaha G1 golf cart.
By Oldskool
I started a thread a little while back "Something from Nothing". It has been upgraded to this thread because now I'm building something from something lol. I started with a new frame and strengthened the transaxle mount a bit.