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Rest in Peace Flea Flea

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Our beloved Yorkie, Kahlua, is no longer in pain. Affectionately called Flea Flea because I said she was no bigger than a flea when she came to live with us. At first we thought she was having a reaction to the rabies shot she had Friday so we took her back to the local vet. He gave her some medicine, but it didn't help at all. She was getting bad and I was up with her most of the night. Early this morning she could no longer stand and was clearly in pain. We took her to an emergency animal care hospital in Michigan City. They gave her some pain medicine and oxygen to calm her down then took x-rays. The doctor came in and showed them to us. She had a massive internal growth that was pressing her heart against her ribcage. Inoperable and we made the only decision we could. 

It's always hard to lose a pet and this little girl is no exception. Her and I had a special bond.

Rest in Peace my precious little Flea Flea.



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Taking an animal for "the last ride" to the Vet has always been my job.... My now departed wife would say her goodbyes and I would leave...

I know I've got one of those trips coming up, as my double-double pawwed cat is 21 and starting to slow down a lot...


Yorkies are loyal faithful dogs - our latest addition is a Maltese-Yorkie mix, a "Morkie" smart little 6 pound dog....

Sorry for your loss.


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So sorry to read this, losing a loving and loyal friend is always hard. Flea flea had a great friend in you to care for her, especially in her last hours. 

She looked a beautiful little girl, so sad they leave us so soon. 

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19 minutes ago, Mickwhitt said:

So sorry to read this, losing a loving and loyal friend is always hard. Flea flea had a great friend in you to care for her, especially in her last hours. 

She looked a beautiful little girl, so sad they leave us so soon

Agreed - 5 dogs gone in our family over 47 years...

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Sorry to hear that Bob. Dogs are special. I lost my little buddy Jesse, a Springer Spaniel, 3 years ago and I think about him everyday. His ashes are in a box on my mantle and they’ll be buried with me. He’s the only dog I ever had. I haven’t gotten another dog because it’s too tough losing them. My mother always had dogs and I was always the one who had to take them for that last ride…


RIP Flea Flea

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Sorry to hear Bob… 

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Sorry to read this Bob.


it is allway‘s a big loss to go the last ride with your Pet, 

especially if there is a deep relation.


It‘s my biggest fear to lose one day my „dwarfnose“ 

I still hope we have a long time together.




R.I.P Flea Flea.


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Sorry for your loss. We have lost a Yorkie and a border collie in the last 15 years. We now have 2 Yorkies Charlie for about 12 years and Bentley about 8 years. They are about the same age and are showing their age more each day. I'm not looking forward to saying goodbye to either of them.


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