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clutch plate

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I can't find a source for a new clutch plate for my 1984 WH tractor. Can anyone point me in the right direction? TIA

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Try your local Toro dealer.  You will need to have your model number and serial number for them to be able to look up the clutch plate.  Kind of pricey, though - $120ish.


Some of the dealers here in the forum should be able to help with a relining kit, a used clutch plate, or possibly a new plate at lower price than the Toro dealer.

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Assuming you mean the PTO clutch there's two diameters that I know of. I just don't know what tractors take what. :)

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Just google it and you will find tons of them, new, used and aftermarket.

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Guessing you have a 1985 310-8 model 21-10K801. Here is a parts list so you can come up with the original part number so you can find a replacement.


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Contact K and B Horse P, he's on eof our vendors.  I seem to recall his clutch material may be slightly thicker that the Toro material.


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9 hours ago, Vintner said:

I can't find a source for a new clutch plate for my 1984 WH tractor. Can anyone point me in the right direction? TIA




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Mark siebenaler
10 hours ago, Vintner said:

I can't find a source for a new clutch plate for my 1984 WH tractor. Can anyone point me in the right direction? TIA

You can call Lowell he has em.

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peter lena

 @Vintner , ever check out the PTO DRIVE BELT EFFORT  TO MOVE DECK BY HAND ?  mine easily rotate  that down  belt section . have also long removed the  drag break  long ago , since going to 550 deg related grease , that entire lever drive set up , really responds to a functional detailing /  lubrication change out / upgrade . no screaming , squealing  clutch , just solid smooth lever engagement . it starts at the , side of battery frame area , the continued  drag /  on every phase , collectively , eats clutches . another thing I change out was the sloppy trunnion  end joint , a HEIM  joint very smoothly replaced that . not in the book , pete

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16 hours ago, 76c12091520h said:

How do I order 1 of these?




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5 hours ago, Vintner said:


Gimme a call or text during normal business hours, or private message me right here on Red Square:handgestures-thumbupright:

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