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Pogo 57

C85 Charginging System

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Pogo 57

Not a fa of elelctrical problems.  PO replaced ignition switch with push button.  We spent a day with a sche atic and figured out what went were on a new 5 pin switch.  Not getting a consistant reading on whether it is charginging.  varies between 12 and 13.2 volts at about 3500rpm.  what should it be?  this is the newest WH i've worked on, 753 are my other  a B100 is as new as i want to go but this was a steal so I bought it.  Is the small rectifer still avaiable?  I am out of my comfort zone on this.

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If the battery gets to a full charge the "regulator" will regulate that.

Regulator must have a good ground, clean wire connections

13-14 volts and it's charging

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35 minutes ago, wallfish said:

If the battery gets to a full charge the "regulator" will regulate that.

Regulator must have a good ground, clean wire connections

13-14 volts and it's charging




Most of the time, you'll see higher voltages right after cranking since your system is basically recovering the battery from turning the engine over. Some of mine are over 14 volts. Then it should settle down to as low as 12.8 volts after 15-20 mins run time. 

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