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87 416-8 horse

8 speed axel seals

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Cast Iron is cast iron. Brittle. I have broken the big hubs too. They make a louder bang when they go off! 

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3 hours ago, squonk said:

They make a louder bang when they go off! 


Agreed. I curse harder when I break one of those... :lol:

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I don't recall breaking one of the thicker hubs yet. I've been using a good puller for a few years now. 

They sure can make a loud snap when they start moving!!

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Heat / quench. 

I finally tried it today. I've heated mufflers for years. Red hot then twist them off. They are always still tight and get deformed. Heated a Nelson muffler on a K181 today that was really stuck on. Quenched it after I got it red hot and the muffler practically fell off!

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87 416-8 horse
Posted (edited)

Thanks for all your inputs. I plan on building or getting a better puller for in the future. It was kinda scary how much force it took to get that hub off. The other one had the leak so it came off pretty easy.

Edited by 87 416-8 horse

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