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Ed Kennell

2024 Deer Tails

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In the fall, under the walnut tree, security cam picked up a mink. A little unusual. 

That area always has a lot of activity. 

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2nd pic definitely a Bob tail...

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Ed Kennell

Trail cam update.



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Ed Kennell


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Ed Kennell

 No photo description available.Still looking for this guys brother.     Called him in a couple years ago.


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Ed Kennell



Gotta keep this one close.    By the diameter of those bases, he has some potential to be a shooter this fall.    The face looks young, but the body lines and big gut put him at a 4yo.

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Gonna keep this one close too. Big dry doe. Probably going to be tasty after cleaning off my sunflowers. 

Plants were about 2 ft tall. Note how close to the house. 

Definitely gotta cull the herd come fall. 




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Ed Kennell

I found a small bag of old freezer burnt deer meat that got misplaced in the freezer.    So I took it to the woods to feed the varmints.  About 200 yds before I got to the woods, I saw this guy.     He stood there giving me the "eagle Eye" for a couple minutes giving me time to zero in  and get a pic.

He flew when I started towards him.   Then a juvenile eagle flew up and another mature eagle followed.    I looked at the spot where they were standing and couldn't see anything they may have been feeding on.      They now have a pile of deer meat.        I couldn't see the young eagle till he flew up, but that may be him to the right rear of the adult in the longer straw.



Then checked a trail cam and had this pic.    Running red fox??



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I put corn with molasses out for the deer. It’s like crack to them 🤪

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Ed Kennell

Been watching this guy every evening in the new soybeans.


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Ed Kennell

The bucks are herded up together.     Do you see all five?


This guy on the left is on my hit list.




This guy with the nontypical right antler looks to be old and probably the alpha buck.     He is the second from left in the above pic.    Also on the hit list.



This is the guy I see every evening in the soybeans.   A 2yo that will make a good buck in 2 more years.

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At the risk of kicking the hornets nest, I'll make a plug here for folks in areas where deer populations are high to please consider taking more doe this year... I know, it ain't sexy, but here in southern Michigan we have a real problem, and it's not with bucks...


I know folks who won't take a doe. For the sake of the herd in our area it's a problem. Michigan is moving towards encouraging more doe kills, but with hunting numbers on the decline it's not enough...





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49 minutes ago, SylvanLakeWH said:



At the risk of kicking the hornets nest, I'll make a plug here for folks in areas where deer populations are high to please consider taking more doe this year... I know, it ain't sexy, but here in southern Michigan we have a real problem, and it's not with bucks...


I know folks who won't take a doe. For the sake of the herd in our area it's a problem. Michigan is moving towards encouraging more doe kills, but with hunting numbers on the decline it's not enough...





Take them doe deer! Eat good! Everyone loves the big antlers and I do also but if I have an antlerless tag first one I see goes home with me.

In my area in Massachusetts antlerless tags are far and few. Winters take its toll. 


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Ed Kennell
53 minutes ago, SylvanLakeWH said:

know folks who won't take a doe

Same problem here in PeeAaa.    Only one antlered deer per hunter is permitted here but unlimited antlerless permits are available in some urban areas.   The Game Commission  continues to increase the quotas of antlerless permits in these areas, but it does little as hunting is not permitted in most of these areas, so vehicles are the primary control. 

I usually harvest one antlered and two antlerless per year.   I feel part of the problem is the high cost to process a deer.   When I am no longer to do my own butchering, I will probably hang up the crossbow.  

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Hung a stand in my favorite tree.     Time for a new ladder also.



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That looks like one of @Pullstart's deluxe custom steel toed flip flop only versions... :scared-eek:


You get it for a good price? :eusa-think:

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Handy Don
1 hour ago, Ed Kennell said:

Time for a new ladder also.

Ya think!?

What about a PTO-driven man hoist with a remote shutdown switch?

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Ed Kennell
9 minutes ago, Handy Don said:

Ya think!?

What about a PTO-driven man hoist with a remote shutdown switch?

They do show up for cheap at the auction.   Maybe I'll get one for my 90th Bday.     Course I'll need the DC model with camo finish and a swivel seat.

Sterling Stair Lifts

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