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Update on my treatment

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Hang in there JP. It gets worse before it gets better. After my surgery to my throat , I had 33 rounds to my throat, mouth, and face. You will be very tired and sore. In fact after my 33rd I was still "cooking" for another week or two. Its a journey. Be patient. Look for small victories to build on. I tell everyone about my cancer journey that physically you bounce back the quickest. Mentally and financially take more time to heal. In 2020 I went through, throat and pancreas at the same time. In 2022, kidney. I went over a year with no income. The state was generous enough to give me 125 dollars a week before taxes for the first 26 weeks. When I finally thought I could try and work a few hours, the day I was supposed to start was the day everything shut down for covid. In spite of all I went through I still feel very grateful. I had a great team of doctors, support from family and friends, and faith that i was going to get through anything standing in my way. Still today I spend a lot of time at doctors offices, blood labs, and the pharmacy. I have trouble swallowing. No spit.  The scars on my abdomen and mouth have healed. I put the weight back on I lost. I think of what I went through and hope and pray I wont have to repeat it. If I do, then Im ready. I know people have had it worse then me. Im lucky. The journey isnt over for me. Your journey has just started. Keep pressing on. Go over, around, or through anything in your way. Stay positive but expect some set backs. Set backs are part of the journey. Stay in the fight. You can pull through this... F cancer !

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I'm done with radiation!!! 

My oncologist said my blood work looks good as well. I will start chemo in about four weeks.

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I'm all healed up from the radiation treatments. I have been slowly putting a little weight back on after losing about 9 lbs since treatment started final weight being 154 lbs.

I'm also gaining some strength back and worked in my shop for the first time in about 5 weeks yesterday. I spent about 4 hours in my shop building a conduit rack for a golf cart. The golf cart will be used to haul material into the tunnels. This will be my only project for a while because I get my chemo port tomorrow and start chemo next week. I will do 2 chemo treatments 6 times over a 12 week period. I'll update later on how that is going.


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953 nut

Dear Lord, I come seeking your intercession in Jay Paxton’s cancer treatments. I pray that the cancer that has come into his life soon fades into a quick remission. I pray the side effects of the chemo therapy will be minimal and will rid Jay of any cancer.  I believe in your capacity for miracles, and ask for this on behalf of Jay and all who are afflicted with cancer.

I ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ.

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I just had my 3rd round of chemo. I'm half way!

I have to take one chemo at the treatment center that takes about 2 hours then wear a pump for 46 hours that my wife disconnects at home.

The side effects increase a little with each treatment but have not been to bad. Extreme sensitivity to cold being the worse. Fatigue being the more constant. Good news is my blood work is still holding good. Weight loss is still ongoing but my oncologist said it is acceptable so far. I have lost about 4 lbs in six weeks. Overall weight loss about 15 lbs from diagnosis to now.

Thanks to all for your prayers.

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Handy Don

Jay, I am glad to hear of your satisfactory progress. I think often of you and our other members facing health challenges and am thankful you are receiving good care.

I continue to pray for strength and wisdom for you, your family, and your caregivers.

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953 nut
7 hours ago, JPWH said:

Good news is my blood work is still holding good.

Thanks be to God that everything is going according to plan. I will continue to keep you in my daily prayers.

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I just finished the 5th round of Chemo.

One more to go! Last treatment will be July 11th.

I am scheduled for an MRI the 25th of July to determine if treatment was successful for surgery. Blood work is still looking good and i have lost 5 more lbs.

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Best of luck with that last treatment, you've got to be really happy about that. And I pray that your MRI is okay.

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Just removed the Chemo pump for hopefully the last time! Now to get through the side effects and getting back to normal again. Then on to the MRI for final outcome before surgery.

Thanks to all for your prayers and support throughout the journey.


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953 nut


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Great news!!

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Posted (edited)

Good news Hank... for your reward you get to come to the show we're at now...

I hope you have mo issues about riding around on a 1045...:lol:


Edited by WHX??
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Posted (edited)

Thanks for bringing me along. I have no objections to riding a 1045.

Edited by JPWH
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I am regaining my strength and am able to take care of my yard again. I am spending time in the shop again for hours at a time instead of minutes, I'm starting to feel like my old self again.

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Great news Hank, that's what we've been wanting to hear.  :text-bravo:

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Sounds like you are on the road to recovery. Great news.

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