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Removing Rust From Chrome

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In a prior post I have mentioned that I have been riding and collecting Vintage Bicycles. Usually when ya get um they look like crap and are pretty rusty. Well I have discovered a way to clean up the Chrome And it works fantastic! :ychain:

Go to your local Ace Hardware and pic up some Wood Bleach better know as "Oxalic Acid" mix about 1 oz of the crystals to 1 gallon of water and submerse your parts in it for about 6 to 12 hours and you wont believe your eyes!! :ROTF: The Bike rims below were rusted beyond repair really bad! You may have to play with the solution strength and if bad like these give them a second dunk :thumbs:

You will need to get some white scotch brite pads because there is a little white film it leaves on the parts and rinse them with water and wipe the film off when you take them outta the solution. Make sure you use a good chrome cleaner, wax, or something like mothers aluminum mag cleaner to the parts to keep them from rusting again! Another thing that works good on chrome is aluminum foil wetted with water this works good but no way as good as the wood bleach method. :thumbs2: The best cleaner I have found that requires the less amount of wiping is brasso. Try these methods, You'll Like It.!



The pictures below are fresh out of the oxalic acid tank shown with no wiping or waxing yet! They looked even better after buffed with mothers mag cleaner.



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Nice find Duke. Thanks for sharing.


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Yes, that stuff works really well, and its not too nasty to use. Acids always frighten me a little, but I've had oxalic acid on my skin and it didnt seem to do anything too nasty.

The gauge in this picture was placed face down in about 3/8" of oxalic acid, wiped off and polished with "Never Dull". I dont have a "before" pic, but the chrome ring was pretty rusty to start with.


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Will this work on any other metals or just chrome?

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Will this work on any other metals or just chrome?

Well it will loosen or remove the rust on any metal but don't expect it to shine like chrome.

It does some funny things to cadmium I think thats the coating on spokes on a bicycle wheel :thumbs2: it kinda turns them blackish if left in the solution to long but they clean up and shine again useing mothers mag and chrome polish. All I can say is on Chrome it works like nothing I have ever seen. If The Chrome is completly gone and huge pits in it dont expect miracles, but for lightly rusted chrome in tight spots WOW this stuff just plain works. Oh the cost on this stuff is pretty cheap considering. Its like $6.50 for 12 ounce container but that makes over 12 gal of soaking solution. :thumbs:

As for other plated type stuff? :ROTF: be damn carefull and maybe do a small test piece before dipping the whole part! :ychain:

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