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Skid shoes

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I need skid shoes for my plow , there's slots for them to go into but the toro parts breakdown doesn't show them , would anyone know what the part number would be for them ? Thanks in advance, sincerely - Shine. 



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peter lena

@Moonshine*Connoisseur https://www.google.com/search?q=small+snow+plow+skid+shoes&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS866US866&oq=small+snow+plow+skid+shoes&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRifBTIHCAIQIRifBTIHCAMQIRifBTIHCAQQIRifBTIHCAUQIRifBTIHCAYQIRifBTIHCAcQIRifBTIHCAgQIRifBTIHCAkQIRifBdIBCTE0MzUzajBqNKgCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8  just because ,  TORO  does not list them , you are giving up ?  easily adapted to  the smaller plow blades , also look around for other  ideas . if I only  looked at one part source , I  would never get a problem solved , you can paint anything , wheel horse red , Pete  

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I've checked parts tree, Amazon, ebay, etc I haven't given up, you don't know me very well lol.

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I'm very persistent, just ask my wife 😂😂😂

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peter lena

@Moonshine*Connoisseur  often get  related  sites to questions asked , have also corrected / enhanced , a number of trouble spots on horses, basically looking AT INTENDED FUNCTION  , FOUND THAT TO BE KEY , IN CHANGES , also  set up tractor , so its easy to roller stool around it , and see how things are hanging up . that simple detailing  on the mule driver , and related connections , went from a binding ,rough start , to now  an effortless , engagement . also get after the plow , steering quadrant , for smooth easy swing . the , squeeze lever , related , quadrant spring pin , penetrating oil , make the rust run out , finish with , red aerosol grease , snug up the lever pull wire , eliminate play , lubricate , check for effect . elastic lock nuts , hold perfect lubricated , hold point . love doing that stuff , Pete


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The skids i used were kfi brand, bought from *bay. Skids, spacers and brackets. I welded the brackets to the blade

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I have a pair I can send you for the price of shipping. PM me.

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I was able to locate a Nos skid shoe kit from toro, still available, the price wasn't bad but doable.  @Wayne0 by the time i saw your post i had already ordered it. Thank you for offering, i appreciate you very much and others suggestions. When i get the kit in, ill be sure to share pictures of what i receive. Im sure itll have some dust on it. With each and every passing day, these parts and tractors are getting harder to find.

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