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Kohler K301 in Gravely stopped - won't start

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I was running my Gravely 566 with a Kohler K301 engine, and it stopped running.  No crash, boom, or bang, it just felt like it ran out of gas but when I opened the tank there was still plenty of fuel.  Tried to restart it but just turned over. I have replaced the spark plug and it has spark, at least I can see a spark when I pull it out and turn it over. I've tried starting fluid but it won't fire. I am at a loss. Any suggestions?

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Give the point contacts a rub with a nail file (or a point file if you have one). May be oxidized so they will not make an electrical connection when closed or they are burnt and require replacement.

Drag a strip of white paper between the closed contacts until it come out clean.

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953 nut

When you turn the engine over with the spark plug out of the engine do you hear good compression?

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Pull the plug and dump a teaspoon of gas right in the jug and replace plug and see if it fires.

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Thanks to those of you who responded.  I found out that I had a blown head-gasket.  Replaced it and it is running again. 

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