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312-8 Fuel Pump

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I do not have access to non-ethanol fuel in my area. The only thing I have is TruFuel. So I tried that, and whether by coincidence or not, my Horse will not start.


Draining the fuel, it seem the fuel pump may not be working. I am aware that there (may) be a screen in the fuel tank, but I want to try to and source a replacement fuel pump first.


I see that my part for the 1989 is KH10319 which is no longer available. What has everyone used to replace this part? Is there a quality US/equivelant? Or am I trying to find an old "donor" Horse for parts?


Thanks everyone for the feedback!

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peter lena

@MAWHguy2019, been using STA BIL fuel additive for years , with zero fuel hose , break down , no crud in fuel bowl , https://www.google.com/search?q=sta-bil+fuel+stabilizer+mix+ratio&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS866US866&oq=sta+bil+fuel+additive+&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqCAgDEAAYFhge do not use ethanol free fuel , never run it out of gas , always top off after use , add Stabil , that fuel tank valve / strainer is not a difficult swap , about $ 7 , also use super lube on installation makes rubber slide easy . would replace entire fuel line , like the clear / colored vinyl , one fuel filter near tank , another near carb , drop carb bowl , clean out crud , also clean out tank , that would give you a clean fuel start . Stabil fuel storage , would keep it that way . no fuel hose break down , same set up on my 3 horses , years / hours on use . zero fuel issues , vital to clean out remove , old  set up , sta / bil will keep it clean and cheaper than eth / free fuel , Pete 

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Thanks for the suggestions. Can the old fuel pump be rebuilt? Looks like I have a decision on my hands...

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Hi, this is my first time posting. I just replaced a fuel pump on my neighbors 312-8 and ran into a similar situation. I found there is a STENS replacement pump for this. I got mine from Lincoln at A-Z. The part number I received was 520-564.

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23 Reo

Yes you can rebuild your fuel pump. First make sure fuel is getting to your pump. If it is you should disconnect the fuel line from the carburetor and crank the motor making sure the fuel line is pointed away from you. If fuel pumps out clean your fuel system including the tank and carburetor. If not order a rebuild kit and clean your fuel system, Don't forget to replace the fuel tank grommet and valve along with the fuel filter.

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On 11/9/2023 at 7:12 AM, MAWHguy2019 said:

Thanks for the suggestions. Can the old fuel pump be rebuilt? Looks like I have a decision on my hands...

Search for “Then and Now Automotive. They have the rebuild kits. Send them a picture of your pump and or call them. There are a few slightly different kits 

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I picked up a 312-8 from my deceased neighbor's estate and have been working on getting it back together.  Before he passed, he was not able to start the Kohler and started to do some repairs.  He found that he was not getting gas to the carb so he replaced the old fuel pump with another mechanical one but still no gas.  My question relates to the "cam" inside the engine that operates the arm on the fuel pump.  Should I be able to feel an obvious lobe if I stick my little finger in the fuel pump hole and slowly rotate the flywheel by hand?  I don't seem to be feeling any lobe on that shaft and I'm just wondering if these wear over time to the point where they won't move the pump's arm.  If this is the case, it sounds like the addition of an electric pump is the next step.  Thanks!

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Same case on one of my 312-8. Purchased from a fella who couldn't figure out why it wouldn't start. He replaced the pump and did some questionable wiring hacks. Ultimately I found the cam lobe had wore down just enough that the fuel pump arm would barely move. I installed a low pressure electric fuel pump and she has been my trailer moving rig ever since. With the electric pump it is instant fuel pressure, easy starts as opposed to the original pump design with longer cranking time and wearing the starter out prematurely.  

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Thank you for sharing and providing a great replacement part.  I'll definitely order one.  Do you wire the pump directly to the ignition switch to run in ON position, or use a separate ON/OFF switch?  The float bowl valve will be able to seal against the pump's pressure? 

Edited by tomkatohio
added questions

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peter lena

@tomkatohio  wired it to run , don't use a separate switch , self monitoring , never had a bowl seal issue , thats a low pressure pump . , also have a fuel check valve , going to carb , holding / showing  fuel  thru clear fuel line . added a single LED  Greene bulb to one of them , wanted to verify its function . was not needed .  have 2 in regular use , will add another when the original pump fails , been trouble free for me , Pete  

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Bill D

I make a plate like this and use it to install a commonly available pulse pump.  Works well.




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